Hacker News with Generative AI: Microprocessors

Z-Ant: An Open-Source SDK for Neural Network Deployment on Microprocessors (github.com/ZIGTinyBook)
Zant (Zig-Ant) is an open-source SDK designed to simplify deploying Neural Networks (NN) on microprocessors.
SiFive's P550 Microarchitecture (chipsandcheese.com)
RISC-V is a relatively young and open source instruction set. So far, it has gained traction in microcontrollers and academic applications. For example, Nvidia replaced the Falcon microcontrollers found in their GPUs with RISC-V based ones. Numerous university projects have used RISC-V as well, like Berkeley’s BOOM. However, moving RISC-V into more consumer-visible, higher performance applications will be an arduous process.
The Future of Microprocessors • Sophie Wilson • Goto 2024 [video] (youtube.com)
Agner Fog's Software Optimization Resources (agner.org)
This series of five manuals describes everything you need to know about optimizing code for x86 and x86-64 family microprocessors, including optimization advices for C++ and assembly language, details about the microarchitecture and instruction timings of most Intel, AMD and VIA processors, and details about different compilers and calling conventions.
Shakti (Microprocessor) (wikipedia.org)
Shakti (stylized as SHAKTI) is an open-source initiative by the Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) group at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras) to develop the first indigenous Indian industrial-grade processor.[1][2]
Cyrix 6x86 (wikipedia.org)
The Cyrix 6x86 is a line of sixth-generation, 32-bit x86 microprocessors designed and released by Cyrix in 1995.
Microprocessor's Romance with Integers (freecodecamp.org)
One of the first things we learn about computers is that they only understand 0s and 1s, or bits.
Bendable non-silicon RISC-V microprocessor (nature.com)
Semiconductors have already had a very profound effect on society, accelerating scientific research and driving greater connectivity.
How similar were the MC6800 and MOS 6502? (stackexchange.com)
When reading about the history of the 6502 CPU, it is regularly pointed out that Chuck Peddle had previously worked on the MC6800 CPU at Motorola. As well, it is stated that the goal when creating the chip was to produce a cheaper alternative to the 6800, and that was achieved when you compare that the 6800 cost $300 versus the 6502's $20 introductory price.
The Calculator that spawned the Microprocessor (2009) (vintagecalculators.com)
The fascinating story of why the development of a calculator led to the development of the first commercial microprocessor, and the unexpected consequences.
Michigan Micro Mote (M3) makes history as the smallest computer (2015) (engin.umich.edu)
Michigan Micro Mote (M3), the world’s smallest computer, has taken its place among other revolutionary accomplishments in the history of computing at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.
AT&T's Hobbit Microprocessor (2023) (thechipletter.substack.com)
Telecoms giant AT&T once had giant computing ambitions.
CVBasic v0.6.0: The retro Z80 BASIC compiler now targets 6502 (github.com/nanochess)
Superconducting Microprocessors? Turns Out They're Ultra-Efficient (2021) (ieee.org)
Microchip Technology Enters 64-Bit Microprocessor Market (RISC-V) (microchip.com)
MP944: The First Microprocessor (2014) (firstmicroprocessor.com)
Turbo9 – A Compact and Efficient Pipelined 6809 Microprocessor IP (github.com/turbo9team)
Motorola's 68000 Series – A History in 10 Computers: 1977-1985 (thechipletter.substack.com)
.NET for NES Game Console on 6502 Microprocessors (github.com/jonathanpeppers)
Silicon reverse engineering: The 8085's undocumented flags (2013) (righto.com)
6502 – Guideline to Reverse Engineering (how to read die shots) [pdf] (reactivemicro.com)
The 8-bit Z80 is dead. Long live the 16-bit Z80 (theregister.com)
OpenCores: A-Z80 CPU (opencores.org)
The legendary Zilog Z80 CPU is being discontinued after nearly 50 years (techspot.com)
End-of-Life for Z80 CPU and Peripherals Announced (hackaday.com)
Zilog Calls Time on the Venerable Z80, Discontinues the Standalone Z84C00 CPU (hackster.io)
Z80 Product Line Z84C00 End of Life / Last Time Buy [pdf] (mouser.com)