Hacker News with Generative AI: Decision Making

Decisions are temporary, so make the call and move on (basecamp.com)
Done. Start to think of it as a magical word. When you get to done it means something’s been accomplished. A decision has been made and you can move on. Done means you’re building momentum.
Ambsheets: Spreadsheets for Exploring Scenarios (inkandswitch.com)
Ambsheets is a research project about new kinds of spreadsheets for exploring possibility spaces and making better decisions.
Master the Art of the Product Manager 'No' (LetsNotDoThat.com)
How to navigate and exit the idea maze (michaelrbock.com)
In 2020 when we were at the beginning of our startup journey I had a conversation with Erik Goldman where he shared this process, which we used to start Column Tax. I'll be forever grateful for Erik's time, and I thought it worthwhile to capture Erik's wisdom permanently online so others could benefit as much as I have.
When Is Insurance Worth It? (entropicthoughts.com)
TL;DR: If you want to know whether getting insurance is worth it, use the Kelly Insurance Calculator. If you want to know why or how, read on.
The Focusing Illusion (optimallyirrational.com)
What Is Entropy? A Measure of Just How Little We Know (quantamagazine.org)
Exactly 200 years ago, a French engineer introduced an idea that would quantify the universe’s inexorable slide into decay. But entropy, as it’s currently understood, is less a fact about the world than a reflection of our growing ignorance. Embracing that truth is leading to a rethink of everything from rational decision-making to the limits of machines.
The Two Big Games (overcomingbias.com)
Imagine a business meeting which will decide if a new project goes forward, or decide key priorities about it. There are two games that folks in this business might play re this meeting.
My notes from deciding against AWS Lambda (jesseduffield.com)
At the start of the year I did a deep dive on AWS lambda to know whether it was worth using in a new codebase for a web app. These are the notes I wrote before making the decision against lambda, and I hope they can help somebody else with the same dilemma.
How to Take Good Decisions? (ycombinator.com)
Hey everyone! I'm trying to get better at decision-making, both at work and in everyday life. Do you have any favorite books, articles, or courses that really helped you make better choices? I'd love any recommendations—whether it's practical tips, interesting frameworks, or just great reads. Thanks in advance!
Show HN: Tinder, but to decide what to eat (whatdinner.com)
WhatDinner makes it easy for couples to decide on a meal together.
Accountability sinks (aworkinglibrary.com)
In The Unaccountability Machine, Dan Davies argues that organizations form “accountability sinks,” structures that absorb or obscure the consequences of a decision such that no one can be held directly accountable for it.
Focus on decisions, not tasks (technicalwriting.dev)
In technical communication, we don’t talk much about decision support; we talk about task support… In many cases, the information people need to complete their tasks is not information on how to operate machines, but information to support their decision making… simply documenting the procedures is never enough… What I am talking about is documenting the context, letting users know what decisions they must make, making them aware of the consequences, and, as far as possible, leading them to resources
We avoid effort even though it can improve our well-being (newscientist.com)
Understanding the “effort paradox” can help you reshape your relationship to exertion so that you commit to those hard but truly meaningful activities
Surprising sounds could cause riskier decision-making (news.yale.edu)
Yale researchers discovered that hearing an unexpected sound just before making a decision led people to make riskier choices.
Another Reason Why You Should Sleep on It Before Making an Important Decision (today.duke.edu)
Science proves, once again, that we are easily deceived by first impressions.
Satisficing (wikipedia.org)
Satisficing is a decision-making strategy or cognitive heuristic that entails searching through the available alternatives until an acceptability threshold is met.
Principal–Agent Problem (wikipedia.org)
The principal–agent problem refers to the conflict in interests and priorities that arises when one person or entity (the "agent") takes actions on behalf of another person or entity (the "principal").
Ask HN: As a founder, How do you overcome Analysis Paralysis? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: As a founder, How do you overcome Analysis Paralysis?
The layers of strategic thinking behind our everyday conversations (optimallyirrational.com)
One of the points I made in Optimally Irrational is how incredibly good we are at solving the complex problems we face in our lives. We are often oblivious to the feats we are achieving. There is hardly a better example than something we do every day: talking to each other.
You: Founder vs. Manager led Me: Just pick 'em from a lottery (twitter.com)
This article does not contain a lede or opening paragraph. The provided text is just a website name, 'x.com'.
How to be better at making decisions (mxstbr.com)
Life Without Hard Steps? (overcomingbias.com)
Show HN: Fix or Skip? (fixorskip.com)
Ask HN: Should I quit my project and move on? (ycombinator.com)
The Tenth Man Rule: How to Take Devil's Advocacy to a New Level (themindcollection.com)
NASA is about to make its most important safety decision in nearly a generation (arstechnica.com)
You're Not Indecisive, You're Unbiased (sciencealert.com)
How to Make Better Decisions with Second-Level Thinking (nesslabs.com)
The irrational hungry judge effect revisited (2023) (cambridge.org)