Hacker News with Generative AI: Project Management

When did estimates turn into deadlines? (domainanalysis.io)
Can I please return to my vacation days in early October?
How I ship projects at big tech companies (seangoedecke.com)
I have shipped a lot of different projects over the last ~10 years in tech. I often get tapped to lead new ones when it’s important to get it right, because I’m good at it. Shipping in a big tech company is a very different skill to writing code, and lots of people who are great at writing code are terrible at shipping.
Show HN: Tududi – A Minimalist, Open-Source Task and Project Management Tool (github.com/chrisvel)
tududi is a task and project management web application that allows users to efficiently manage their tasks and projects, categorize them into different areas, and track due dates.
Show HN: I built a Slack app to automate timesheets and project tracking (billableninja.com)
Increase billable hours and improve profitability
One of the best projects I worked on had zero-overhead communication (2020) (sidhion.com)
There’s a project I worked on some time ago that provided me one of the most pleasant experiences I had.
Software estimates have never worked and never will (world.hey.com)
Since the dawn of computing, humans have sought to estimate how long it takes to build software, and for just as long, they've consistently failed.
Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts project maintainer tteck enters hospice care (github.com/tteck)
The community needs to unite and make some important decisions about the path forward. Has a new fork become the go-to choice? Is there a new frontend that we’re rallying behind? This site will soon be archived, and time is limited. Let’s make these decisions together.
Ask HN: What tools do you use to manage your freelance projects? (ycombinator.com)
I've used several tools over the years but no one fits my needs well enough. I wonder if I miss some magic tool. Which tool work best for a single person operation?
Early Praise Kills Projects (chrishannah.me)
Many people say things like "Don't announce anything until it's done", and there are many other people who work in public, as in they regularly announce shorter updates on their progress towards a certain outcome.
Huly – Open-source project management platform (github.com/hcengineering)
The Huly Platform is a robust framework designed to accelerate the development of business applications, such as CRM systems.
Scrum's “Product Owner” Problem (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
In Scrum, Product Owners have sole authority over the Product Backlog; they control what to build and when to build it. Engineers are merely ticket-takers, implementing one instruction after another.
ZLUDA's Third Life (vosen.github.io)
ZLUDA is back. For the last few months, I've been trying to find a commercial organization that would guarantee the continued development of the project. I am happy to announce that I have found one that is not only willing to fund further development, but also has an excellent vision for the future of ZLUDA.
Evolving GitHub Issues (github.blog)
GitHub Issues has been how the world’s best software teams collaborate since it first launched in 2009. Today we are excited to unveil a major evolution of issues and projects, featuring a range of highly requested enhancements including sub-issues, issue types and advanced search for issues.
Generate pip requirements.txt file based on imports of any project (github.com/bndr)
pipreqs - Generate pip requirements.txt file based on imports of any project. Looking for maintainers to move this project forward.
The Slow, Painful Death of Agile and Jira (ehandbook.com)
Software development cycles are taking longer and longer.Technology teams are growing larger and larger.Managing development requires more and more apps.Fewer and fewer people are actually doing the coding.For shorter and shorter periods of time.With less and less progress between constant checkpoints.
The Daily Scrum: Does It Have to Be Daily? (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
If I had to pick the one thing I hate most about Scrum, it would be the Daily Scrum. More than anything else, it makes me want to call in sick or schedule a last-minute root canal. Anything to escape!
The Open Source Project Maintainer's Guide (liamwhite.dev)
Have you found that there are too many high quality contributors wanting to help you fix issues and deliver their code directly to your source repository? Here's a list of steps you can take to cut back on those pesky contributions and help everyone know the exact type of leadership you want for your project.
Ask HN: What's the Alternative to Agile? (ycombinator.com)
Hello HN, I often see arguments about the agile process on here, most recently on this post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41612154<p>My question is this; what alternatives are there to agile? I know there is the waterfall method, but from what I understand we as an industry moved to agile because of the weakness of waterfall in the internet era. What other alternatives do you suggest? Where should we look for improvements?
Ask HN: Strategies for Working on Large Projects (ycombinator.com)
I'm used to working on smaller projects--ones where I can hold the entire project structure and framework in my head. It makes me incredibly effective since I know my way around the project, how any magic works, and the cleanest way to do things. I also find my work is better because I feel more invested in the project and have more control in its direction.<p>I recently joined a large team with a large project that involves some cross-functional work.
Finish Your Projects (github.com/readme)
Starting a new project is a rush. The possibilities are infinite. There's no legacy code dragging you down; we're only making good decisions this time! The beginning of any project is always characterized by blissful productivity.
How to Measure Progress in a Software Project – By Adam Ard (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
"Working software is the primary measure of progress."
Tell HN: Pivotal Tracker is being shut down (ycombinator.com)
The VMware Tanzu division is announcing the end-of-life (EOL) for the Pivotal Tracker offering, effective April 30, 2025.
Pivotal Tracker will shut down (pivotaltracker.com)
The VMware Tanzu division is announcing the end-of-life (EOL) for the Pivotal Tracker offering, effective April 30, 2025.
Show HN: Simple Alternative to Complex Project Management for Freelancers (ycombinator.com)
We're really happy to share EnkiTask.com with everyone — it's a simple and affordable project management tool we built as an alternative to the overly complicated options out there.
Show HN: Vomitorium – all of your project in 1 text file (npmjs.com)
Vomitorium is a command-line tool designed to easily load an entire project into a single text file.
Ask HN: How do you organize work as a solo developer? (ycombinator.com)
I'm working on a large-ish project that is currently just me.
Show HN: V1 – An open-source starter kit for your next project (v1.run)
The Root Causes of Failure for AI Projects and How They Can Succeed (rand.org)
Show HN: Track project ETAs and statuses based on due date with this Jira App (easyestimate.app)
Software estimates have never worked and never will (world.hey.com)