Hacker News with Generative AI: Team Dynamics

Yes you built that but at what cost? (abhinavomprakash.com)
You tighten the last screw on the bridge. Feeling triumphant you raise your hands and cheer. Your crew cheers. The bridge is five years too late but it is done. The people you started with are no longer with you. But they were traitors and disloyal people. “Tough times don’t last, tough people do” you utter to yourself, rationalizing the loss of your entire team.
Ask HN: How to handle pushback on a team switch? (ycombinator.com)
Here's an _imaginary_ but common scenario in the corp tech hemisphere:<p>VP: Gives the IC a dubious signal about a promo in the next cycle, mentioning tenure, budget constraints, or something incredibly vague.<p>IC: Lets go of the promo and seeks to switch teams at the same level in search of more interesting work and possibly to avoid a similar situation in the next cycle.<p>VP: Feels betrayed, claiming they were working hard on the promo case and that it might have happened
Crushing Jira tickets is a party trick, not a path to impact (seangoedecke.com)
Don’t be a JIRA ticket zombie! I think a common experience among ambitious juniors - certainly I did this once - is to get frustrated at the slow pace of a team and decide “screw it, I’ll just burn through all these tickets”.
Time for a code-yellow?: A blunt instrument that works (nilam.ca)
I promised myself never again. Never again would I call a code-yellow. Code-yellows suck, drain team morale, and they leave a lingering distaste amongst all those involved. Yet, during my 8-years at Instacart, they were our most effective and consistent weapon in ensuring we made meaningful progress on our hairiest problems.
Sneakers – The Team's Demands [video] (youtube.com)
The magic of small engineering teams (posthog.com)
The magic of small engineering teams (posthog.com)
The 10x developer makes their whole team better (stackoverflow.blog)
Ask HN: Co-founder doesn't produce work, is unrealiable, doesn't want to leave (ycombinator.com)