Hacker News with Generative AI: Code Reviews

6 days to change 1 line of code (2012) (posthaven.com)
It Takes 6 Days to Change 1 Line of Code
Solving key challenges in AI-assisted code reviews (qodo.ai)
We launched our code review agent, Qodo Merge (formerly PR Agent) in 2023, as one of the first AI-driven code review tools, helping to automate critical parts of the code review process, from generating PR descriptions, review guide, code suggestions and more.
Code reviews: A success story (blogsystem5.substack.com)
Code reviews have a bad rap: they are antagonistic in nature and, sometimes, pure red tape. Some argue that they are bad practice; others say that peer programming is better. And while these may be true, I want to tell you a story about a case where code reviews worked well!
How Do You Like What You've Built? (morrisbrodersen.de)
Recently, a colleague asked me for a code review on some complex UI changes.
How we made our AI code review bot stop leaving nitpicky comments (greptile.com)
When we first launched this product, the biggest complaint by far was that the bot left too many comments. In a PR with 20 changes, it would leave as many as 10 comments, at which point the PR author would simply start ignoring all of them.
Time for a code-yellow?: A blunt instrument that works (nilam.ca)
I promised myself never again. Never again would I call a code-yellow. Code-yellows suck, drain team morale, and they leave a lingering distaste amongst all those involved. Yet, during my 8-years at Instacart, they were our most effective and consistent weapon in ensuring we made meaningful progress on our hairiest problems.
You Might Be Better Off Without Pull Requests (hamvocke.com)
Pull requests and mandatory code reviews have become popular tools for modern software development teams.
PR process killing morale and productivity (blackentropy.com)
Code reviews are supposed to be about improving code quality and sharing knowledge, but when PR comments start hitting the hundreds, something is very wrong. I’ve recently come across a discussion where a new developer joined a team and faced over 300 PR comments on their first contribution. Most of it was stylistic nitpicking. This isn’t just unproductive, it’s outright toxic.
Why Code Authors Should Have the Final Say on Code Reviews (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
Philosophically, I hold the (sometimes controversial) view that no developer—or any worker, for that matter—should be forced or coerced. This fundamental autonomy is essential for individuals to feel like true professionals—and, more importantly, like human beings. So, when safety or legality isn’t at stake, I believe it’s best to advise and then leave the final decision to those doing the work—code reviews included.
AI Sucks at Code Reviews (codepeer.com)
It seems like everyone is building an AI code review tool these days, each promising to revolutionize how we write and manage code. But after trying nearly every AI code reviewer on the market, and building one of our own, we’ve come to one undeniable conclusion - AI sucks at code reviews.
PR-Agent — extension that adds AI chat to code reviews on GitHub (chromewebstore.google.com)
Code Review Anxiety Workbook (gitbook.io)
Feeling anxious about giving and receiving code reviews is a common, widely-documented experience for software developers.
Code reviews do find bugs (two-wrongs.com)
Ask HN: Has anyone else found it harder to review code recently? (ycombinator.com)
Code reviews don't usually find bugs (aviator.co)