The missing text focused programming environment( Hot take: the enduring popularity of writing applications in a list of environments that starts with Emacs Lisp and goes on to encompass things like Electron shows that we've persistently failed to create a good high level programming system for writing text-focused applications.
Uno Platform Studio Featuring Hot Design( We are proud to introduce Uno Platform Studio, a suite of productivity tools featuring Hot Design, a next-generation Visual Designer for .NET cross-platform apps!
Ask HN: Anybody used Retool for production, user-facing app?( Bootstrapped founder here.<p>I'm planning to build a SaaS product loosely in the B2B logistics space - it needs to be relatively low cost to build/maintain, look slick and be extensible.<p>It would be customer facing, meaning each customer would need a login/account (or perhaps many, if a whole team is using our product).<p>I've looked at Retool and it looks quite epic but it looks like it's designed primarily for internal apps.<p>Has anybody used, or attempted to use Retool for a production,
50 points by bootstrpppin 7 days ago | 43 comments
Show HN: Visual inference exploration and experimentation playground( inferit is a visual take on llm inference. Most inference frontends are limited to a single visual input/output "thread". This makes it hard to compare output from different models, prompts and sampler settings. inferit solves this with its UI that allows for an unlimited number of side-by-side generations. This makes it a perfect fit to compare and experiment with different models, prompts and sampler settings.
15 points by PetrBrzyBrzek 22 days ago | 3 comments
Digging into PlantStudio, a bit late( This aesthetic screenshot of an old windows app has been in my inspiration space for ~5 years. Until recently, I assumed that it was just a nostalgia bait concept.
Canvases versus Documents( Much web design has reflected that of paper documents: finite with clearly defined edges. But by no means is the canvas style recent, as we can see in Space Jam.
17 points by disintegrator 51 days ago | 1 comments
How to manage dangerous actions in user interfaces( One of the main laws that applies to almost everything in our lives, including building digital products, is Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Our goal is to prevent things from going wrong and, if they do, mitigate the consequences. In this article, Victor Ponamarev explores different strategies for preventing users from making mistakes.
Ask HN: Are new AI code editors adding superficial value?( Specifically referring to Cursor and Melt. It seems to be the rage among the bay area AI community but they're basically just VS Code skins. Im pretty happy with VS Code both features-wise and UX, but I think now is the golden opportunity to fundamentally rethink the craft & work of human coding and build a new UI/App from scratch. Including NOT building on Electron..