Hacker News with Generative AI: Standards

A standards-first web framework (nuejs.org)
Today Nue takes a new, more natural direction: it becomes a standards first web framework.
Anthropic achieves ISO 42001 certification for responsible AI (anthropic.com)
We are excited to announce that Anthropic has achieved accredited certification under the new ISO/IEC 42001:2023 standard for our AI management system.
HDMI Forum Announces Version 2.2 of the HDMI Specification (hdmi.org)
RIP W3C's HTML working group 1994-2024 (w3.org)
The mission of the HTML Working Group is to give input to and bring the WHATWG HTML and DOM Review Drafts to W3C Recommendations.
XDG Base Directory Specification (freedesktop.org)
Various specifications specify files and file formats. This specification defines where these files should be looked for by defining one or more base directories relative to which files should be located.
RFC 9639 – Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) (rfc-editor.org)
This document defines the Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) format and its streamable subset.
SHA-256, ECDH, Ecdsa and RSA Not Approved by ASD in Australia for 2030 (medium.com)
I am a bit shocked … SHA-256, RSA, ECDSA and ECDH will not be approved for use in Australia by 2030. Basically, these four methods are used for virtually every Web connection that we create, and where ECDH is used for the key exchange, ECDSA or RSA is used to authenticate the remote server, and SHA-256 is used for the integrity of the data sent. The removal of SHA-256 definitely goes against current recommendations.
ISO 8583: The language of credit cards (increase.com)
ISO 8583 is the standard for real-time messages communicated between acquirers and issuers through all of the major card networks.
Beginning NFC: Introducing NDEF (oreilly.com)
In order to understand NFC, you need to know about the NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF), which is the lingua franca for NFC devices and tags.
JavaScript Signals Standard Proposal (github.com/tc39)
RFC 9557: Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps with Additional Information (rfc-editor.org)
This document defines an extension to the timestamp format defined in [RFC3339] for representing additional information, including a time zone.
Mastodon vs. Bluesky is a new standards war (neelc.org)
With Bluesky’s apparent rise after the elections, I’ve heard a lot of criticism about Bluesky on the Fediverse. I’m starting to feel the Mastodon vs Bluesky war is a new standards war, one that is analogous to the cellular standards war.
DMARCbis is around the corner: what's changing (dmarcwise.io)
The DMARC protocol (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance), first published in 2015 as RFC 7489, is about to change.
Constraints Are Good: Python's Metadata Dilemma (pocoo.org)
There is currently an effort underway to build a new universal lockfile standard for Python, most of which is taking place on the Python discussion forum. This initiative has highlighted the difficulty of creating a standard that satisfies everyone. It has become clear that different Python packaging tools are having slightly different ideas in mind of what a lockfile is supposed to look like or even be used for.
C++ Standards Contributor Expelled for 'The Undefined Behavior Question' (slashdot.org)
C++ Standards Contributor Expelled for 'The Undefined Behavior Question' (slashdot.org)
Khronos group launches Slang, contributed by Nvidia (khronos.org)
Beaverton, OR – November 21, 2024 – The Khronos® Group, an open consortium of industry leaders in interoperability standards, has announced the launch of the new Slang™ Initiative.
OpenID Connect specifications published as ISO standards (self-issued.info)
I’m thrilled to report that the OpenID Connect specifications have now been published as ISO/IEC standards.
Thinking about recipe formats more than anyone should (rknight.me)
I've had a note in my todo list for quite a while to get my (admittedly small) collection of recipes on my website. The note mentioned to look into Cooklang which is a "recipe markup language" but I also wanted to see if anyone knew of any other standards I should be looking at before I went ahead. I got a few responses:
The BPF instruction set architecture is now RFC 9669 (lwn.net)
After a couple of years of effort, the BPF instruction set architecture has been accepted as RFC 9669, giving it a standard outside of the in-kernel implementation.
The Broken Promise of USB-C: We'll Never Get a Universal Cable (theatlantic.com)
We’ll never get a universal cable.
ISO C23 Standard Published (iso.org)
This document specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C programming language.
Un-Deprecate <big>: my plea to the W3C (paper.wf)
My Plea to the W3C: Giving a semantic meaning to an “Obsolete” element.
What's New in POSIX 2024 (toast.cafe)
In the 1950s, computers did not really interoperate. ARPANET has not yet happened (that would become a thing in the 60s), and every operating system was typically tied to the hardware that was meant to run on. Most communication actually happened over telephone, and no company was more present in that space than the Bell System.
What's New in POSIX 2024 – XCU (toast.cafe)
In the 1950s, computers did not really interoperate. ARPANET has not yet happened (that would become a thing in the 60s), and every operating system was typically tied to the hardware that was meant to run on. Most communication actually happened over telephone, and no company was more present in that space than the Bell System.
OSI readies controversial open-source AI definition (lwn.net)
The Open Source Initiative (OSI) has been working on defining Open Source AI—that is what constitutes an AI system that can be used, studied, modified, and shared for any purpose—for almost two years. Its board will be voting on the Open Source AI Definition (OSAID) on Sunday, October 27, with the 1.0 version slated to be published on October 28.
NIST Standard Reference Materials Catalog [pdf] (nist.gov)
RISC-V Announces Ratification of the RVA23 Profile (riscv.org)
Santa Clara, Calif. – Oct. 21, 2024 – RISC-V International, the global standards organization, today announced that the RVA23 Profile is now ratified.
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) v4.0 is out [pdf] (computer.org)
C++23: ISO/IEC 14882:2024 (iso.org)