Hacker News with Generative AI: Trust

How to distrust a CA without any certificate errors (dadrian.io)
A “distrust” is when a certification authority (CA) that issues HTTPS certificates to websites is removed from a root store because it is no longer trusted to issue certificates.
The Press Falls to Another Record Low in Public Trust (jonathanturley.org)
We have previously discussed polling showing the media at record lows in public trust. Well, the latest survey from Gallup shows that the media hit another all-time low.
Ask HN: Crucial question about trust in open source apps (ycombinator.com)
Science needs reason to be trusted (2017) (nature.com)
That we now live in the grip of post-factualism would seem naturally repellent to most physicists. But in championing theory without demanding empirical evidence, we're guilty of ignoring the facts ourselves.
Federal workers say they increasingly distrust platforms like Facebook (theverge.com)
Federal workers say platforms they once used to communicate with their coworkers and friends increasingly feel insecure.
Why young parents should focus on building trust with their kids (desunit.com)
Today, when my 1.9-year-old daughter tried to grab and eat an unwashed orange, I asked her to give it to me so I could wash and peel it if she could wait for a moment. She did. It got me thinking about the marshmallow experiment, where the idea was that patience equals success. But … it wasn’t the whole story.
Majority of US teens have lost trust in Big Tech (techcrunch.com)
American teens have lost their faith in Big Tech, according to a new report from Common Sense Media, a nonprofit offering reviews and ratings for media and technology, which more recently includes AI products.
Can we get the benefits of transitive dependencies without undermining security? (tratt.net)
One of life’s great pleasures is trust: having confidence in another person to do the right thing warms the hearts of both parties.
Sigstore: Making sure your software is what it claims to be (sigstore.dev)
Trusting clients is probably a security flaw (liberda.nl)
If your service needs to trust the clients, hold my Big Mac
Is GitHub a trustworthy keeper of our code? (thetechenabler.substack.com)
Before Github became the default, there were many competitors on equal-ish footing.
Why it's hard to trust software, but you mostly have to anyway (educatedguesswork.org)
My long-time collaborator Richard Barnes[1] used to say that "in security, trust is a four letter word", and yet the dominant experience of using any software-based system—which is, you know, pretty much anything electronic—is trusting the manufacturer.
Google, the search engine that's forgotten how to search (semking.com)
If you work in the SEO industry, you may be blinded by the lights. The noise can be deafening. You may trust most of Google’s official statements. Many in the search community blindly believe Google but I’m glad not everyone does.
Trustworthiness in the Age of AI (jfkirk.github.io)
It probably feels liberating to be a little bit wrong, all of the time.
Trust no one: why we can't trust most stats about the cybersecurity industry (ventureinsecurity.net)
There is a problem in cybersecurity: solid industry analysis is hard to come by.
Ask HN: Is it burnout or something else, and how can I recover? (ycombinator.com)
Lately, I've been struggling with work, enough that it's caused relatively minor medical issues, and I can't figure out if it's a burnout spiral or eroded trust in the company after a few rounds of layoffs and stress from poor execution an AI marathon.
Blockchain-Backed Click App Reinvents Trust in Photojournalism (petapixel.com)
In a digital age when the line between truth and authenticity often blurs, the Click camera app brings a powerful tool to verify the reality behind images.
Voting machine companies are fighting the next disinformation war (theverge.com)
Smartmatic and Dominion are trying to debunk false stories and rebuild trust — but that’s a tall order in 2024.
Ibis: Federated Wikipedia alternative (ibis.wiki)
Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia, and millions of people rely on it every day to provide trustworthy information on a wide variety of topics. It is not well known but there have been numerous scandals which put this trust into question.
Everything Is a Conspiracy Theory When You Don't Bother to Educate Yourself (techdirt.com)
I talk a lot about confirmation bias here because it’s at the heart of many of the debates and discussions regarding disinformation. It’s something we can all fall prey to, at times. But lately, I’ve been thinking a lot more about what makes one more susceptible to confirmation bias, and I’m increasingly coming around to the idea that it has to do with a combination of intellectual curiosity and trust.
Can you effectively work with leadership you don't trust? (ycombinator.com)
Let's say you have people higher on the corporate ladder on a technical level whose opinions you do not respect.
Ask HN: Crappy website design seems more trustworthy? (ycombinator.com)
I visited my bank's website and it hit me. For some reason, their crappy website design appears as more trustworthy than other, sleeker designs of modern banks. Why is that?
Americans' Trust in Media Remains Near Record Low (gallup.com)
At 34%, Americans' trust in the mass media to report the news "fully, accurately and fairly" is essentially unchanged from last year and just two points higher than the lowest that Gallup has recorded, in 2016 during the presidential campaign.
How to Build Trust (trojanczyk.eu)
Today, I see trust as the foundation of a successful team. However, when I started my entrepreneurial adventure, I didn’t fully realize the impact that building relationships based on trust would have on organizational culture. Over time, I have come to understand that trust is the invisible glue that binds people together and allows them to achieve goals beyond their individual capabilities.
Open source maintainers underpaid, swamped by security, and going gray (theregister.com)
The majority of open source project maintainers are not being paid for their work, spend three times as much time on security than they did three years ago, and have become less trusting of contributors following the xz backdoor, according to open source package security firm Tidelift.
ISO Panel – Trust in AI: How to build global confidence [video] (iso.org)
Chart a course through the intricate AI landscape, with real-world experiences and gain insight into the challenges and opportunities of AI from the consumer perspective.
Study shows 'alarming' level of trust in AI for life and death decisions (theengineer.co.uk)
A US study that simulated life and death decisions has shown that humans place excessive trust in artificial intelligence when guiding their choices.
Trust Capital: A Currency for Onboarding (danmo.co)
Trust, but Verify (wikipedia.org)
Can we trust Microsoft with Open Source? (2021) (dusted.codes)