Hacker News with Generative AI: Verification

Elon Musk criticizes Twitch streamer and removes their verification over dispute (twitter.com)
Python Logic Simulation Library (github.com/cjdrake)
SeqiLog (pronounced seh-kwi-log) is a Python library for logic design and verification.
Crux, a Precise Verifier for Rust and Other Languages (arxiv.org)
We present Crux, a cross-language verification tool for Rust and C/LLVM.
Google Scholar has a "verified email" for Sir Isaac Newton (bleepingcomputer.com)
It's true: Google Scholar profile of the renowned former physicist and polymath, Sir Isaac Newton bears a "verified email" note.
Formally verifying tiny bits of QEMU using Frama-C, Richard W.M. Jones, 2020 [video] (youtube.com)
We verify the correctness of a spreadsheet engine (rowzero.io)
Spreadsheets are a really interesting software domain, because they have a ton of overlapping features.
Trust, but Verify (wikipedia.org)
Formally verifying security properties of CHERI processors (cheriot.org)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Logical Verification [pdf] (2023) (browncs1951x.github.io)
Prover-Verifier Games improve legibility of language model outputs (openai.com)
EU officials say X's paid-for blue check deceives users and breaks law (theregister.com)
EU charges X with deceiving users via blue checkmark, draws Musk's ire (reuters.com)
Reverse Engineering the Verification QR Code on My Diploma (obrhubr.org)
CBMC: C bounded model checker (2021) (cprover.org)
Dafny is a verification-aware programming language (github.com/dafny-lang)
X won't let users hide their blue checks anymore (engadget.com)
X's Premium users can no longer hide their blue checks (theverge.com)