Switching to 5Ghz WiFi made the Raspberry Pi fly again
For the last few months my Raspberry Pi 4 was happily running on my desk, tucked away next to the monitor. It's serving a small web app in golang on the internal network and tailscale. I've never noticed any latency problems with it, so it took me by surprise when I deployed some OCaml experiments on the Pi and observed a lot of HTTP connection timeouts and name resolution errors while fetching some URLs concurrently.
For the last few months my Raspberry Pi 4 was happily running on my desk, tucked away next to the monitor. It's serving a small web app in golang on the internal network and tailscale. I've never noticed any latency problems with it, so it took me by surprise when I deployed some OCaml experiments on the Pi and observed a lot of HTTP connection timeouts and name resolution errors while fetching some URLs concurrently.