Hacker News with Generative AI: Haskell

(Haskell in Haskell) 2. Lexing – Cronokirby (cronokirby.com)
This is the second post in the Haskell in Haskell series.
Show HN: Generating Random Art in Haskell (github.com/jamesma100)
Implementation of RandomArt based on the algorithm described in Hash Visualization: a New Technique to improve Real-World Security and Andrej Bauer's original program.
Understanding Yoneda (bartoszmilewski.com)
You don’t need to know anything about category theory to use Haskell as a programming language. But if you want to understand the theory behind Haskell or contribute to its development, some familiarity with category theory is a prerequisite.
Hyperbole: Haskell interactive serverside web framework inspired by Htmx, Elm (github.com/seanhess)
Create interactive HTML applications with type-safe serverside Haskell. Inspired by HTMX, Elm, and Phoenix LiveView
A Proper x86 Assembler in Haskell Using the Escardó-Oliva Functional (vmchale.com)
Writing an assembler turns out to be an interesting example: one needs to calculate distances between jumps and their target labels, and the target may appear after the label. It turns out that one can write a one-pass assembler using the tardis monad or in Curry, using logic programming.
Haskell: A Great Procedural Language (entropicthoughts.com)
There are many catchphrases about Haskell.
An "oh fuck" moment in time (ghuntley.com)
Then took my kids down to the local pool. When I got back, I had a fully functional Haskell library with autogenerated C bindings, FFI to CoreAudio and my jaw was on the ground. Literally an "oh fuck" moment in time... This wasn't something that existed, it wasn't regurgitating knowledge from Stackoverflow. It was inventing/creating something new.
GHC 9.12 and Cabal 3.14 releases (haskell.org)
To conclude the year 2024, the GHC and Cabal teams are happy to announce the releases of GHC 9.12 and cabal 3.14.
Overloading the lambda abstraction in Haskell (2022) (acatalepsie.fr)
Effectful – Build Fast and Reliable Haskell Applications (haskell-effectful.github.io)
Build Fast & Reliable Haskell Applications
Compiler Bootstrapping: Ben Lynn on "MacGyver's Haskell Compiler" [video] (youtube.com)
8 months of OCaml after 8 years of Haskell in production (2023) (chshersh.com)
I’ve been using Haskell in production for 8 years. I’ve been using OCaml in production for 8 months.
Eventually consistent plain text accounting (tylercipriani.com)
Over the past six months, I’ve tracked my money with hledger—a plain text double-entry accounting system written in Haskell. It’s been surprisingly painless.
Functors to Monads: A Story of Shapes (jle.im)
For many years now I’ve been using a mental model and intuition that has guided me well for understanding and teaching and using functors, applicatives, monads, and other related Haskell abstractions, as well as for approaching learning new ones.
Unix core utilities implemented in Haskell (github.com/Gandalf-)
Unix core utilities implemented in Haskell.
Namespaced De Bruijn Indices (haskellforall.com)
In this post I share a trick I use for dealing with bound variables in Dhall that I thought might be useful for other interpreted programming languages.
A dictionary of single-letter variable names (jackkelly.name)
Haskell’s expressive type system means that type signatures can carry a lot of information. Haskell’s polymorphism means that you sometime write a function that works across an enormous range of types, and are often left wondering “what do I actually call my variables?”. It is often the case that there’s nothing to say beyond “this variable is a Functor”, or “this variable is a monadic action”, and so a single-letter variable name is appropriate.
Fast Haskell: Competing with C at parsing XML (2017) (chrisdone.com)
In this post we’re going to look at parsing XML in Haskell, how it compares with an efficient C parser, and steps you can take in Haskell to build a fast library from the ground up. We’re going to get fairly detailed and get our hands dirty.
Gleam Is Pragmatic (drewolson.org)
I’ve spent the past several years working with functional programming languages in my free time – primarily Haskell and OCaml. I love both languages but also find aspects of each frustrating.
Unicode shenanigans: Martine écrit en UTF-8 (poisson.chat)
On my feed aggregator haskell.pl-a.net, I occasionally saw posts with broken titles like this (from ezyang’s blog):
Contributing to Haskell GHC (2023) [pdf] (ryanglscott.github.io)
A Tour of Hell – Shell scripting Haskell dialect (chrisdone.com)
This set of slides sketches out the implementation of Hell, in technical detail. I do tend to switch between the slides, old code, and the present code, so bear with me. It's more about the ideas. If you want to see a complete implementation, the complete implementation of Hell is one file, which you can look through easily.
Reflecting away from definitions in Liquid Haskell (tweag.io)
We’ve all been there: wasting a couple of days on a silly bug. Good news for you: formal methods have never been easier to leverage.
Why Haskell? (gtf.io)
Haskell Postgres Stored Procedures (github.com/ed-o-saurus)
This project is a "procedural language" extension of PostgreSQL allowing the execution of code in Haskell within SQL code.
Competitive Programming in Haskell: tree path decomposition (byorgey.github.io)
Haskell MOOC (mooc.fi)
Why does everyone hate Haskell, jazz, and pure math? (adueck.github.io)
Discovering algorithms by enumerating terms in Haskell (twitter.com)
Ask HN: What resources do you recommend for learning Haskell? (ycombinator.com)