Hacker News with Generative AI: Recursion

The Recursive Book of Recursion (inventwithpython.com)
Recursion, and recursive algorithms, have a reputation for being intimidating. They're seen as an advanced computer science topic often brought up in coding interviews. Moreover, coders often perceive the use of a recursive algorithm as a sophisticated solution that only true programmers can produce. But there's nothing magical about recursion. Its fearsome reputation is more a product of poor teaching than of the complexity of recursion itself.
A Physical instance of recursion, from 1936 (wikipedia.org)
Recursive Program Synthesis using Paramorphisms [pdf] (theory.stanford.edu)
Flambda2 Ep. 2: Loopifying Tail-Recursive Functions (ocamlpro.com)
Include __FILE__: Include recursion in C is possible and useful (wordpress.com)
Recursion, continuations and trampolines (2017) (thegreenplace.net)