Hacker News with Generative AI: HTML

Customizable HTML Select (chrome.com)
Styling form controls like the <select> element has been reported as a top developer pain point for years, and we've been working on a solution.
Show HN: I've built personal site in plain HTML/CSS, withouth React/Next.js BS (sergeycooper.com)
Hi! 👋 I'm Sergey
Show HN: HTML visualization of a PDF file's internal structure (github.com/desgeeko)
Inspecting the internal structure of a PDF file involves a lot of things (decompression, parsing, xref indexing, etc...) in order to make sense of the raw bytes.
I Blog with Raw HTML (devpoga.org)
The blog you're reading is written in raw HTML.
HTML whitespace is broken (2024) (dwac.dev)
Recently, I was working on a project which required a deeper understanding of how whitespace works in HTML.
Chrome 133 Supports DOM State-Preserving Move with moveBefore() (chromestatus.com)
Reduce your LLM agent costs by 90% with structure-preserving HTML compression (github.com/emmetify)
Cut your LLM processing costs by up to 90% by transforming verbose HTML into efficient Emmet notation, without losing structural integrity.
Every HTML Element (iamwillwang.com)
There are over a hundred HTML elements. This page uses all of them.
Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS (2019) (signalvnoise.com)
During the dotcom boom back in the late 90s, I did a bunch of Photoshop-cut jobs. You know, where a designer throws a PSD file over the wall to an HTML monkey to slice and dice. It was miserable.
Rewriting my website in plain HTML and CSS (vijayp.dev)
This week, I decided to rewrite my website using plain HTML and CSS.
What is a DOM node? A peek under the hood (gregros.dev)
What makes an object a DOM node? Is it the prototype or something else?
Relatively New Things You Should Know about HTML Heading into 2025 (frontendmasters.com)
Not all of this is like absolutely brand spanking new just-dropped-in-2024 stuff. Some of it is, but generally it’s relatively new stuff that’s all pretty great. I’m pointing things out that I think are really worth knowing about. It’s possible you haven’t kept up too much with HTML developments as it tends to, rightfully, move a lot slower than CSS or JavaScript.
A couple CSS tricks for HTML Dialog elements (cassidoo.co)
I recently was messing around with the HTML <dialog> element. It’s really handy for native dialogs without a ton of JavaScript.
A Racket alternative to HTML Tidy (joeldueck.com)
If you use Racket to generate web pages, you should use this package to make your HTML both readable and correct. Why go to the trouble of designing clean, semantic markup if you’re just going to slap it all on one line that scrolls horizontally forever?
HTML Is a Programming Language. Fight Me (wired.com)
HTML is the most significant computing language, programming or otherwise, ever developed.
HTML Is a Programming Language. Fight Me (wired.com)
HTML is deceptive. It looks easy. And easy HTML is easy. With a few tags you can write your name on a webpage, make it bigger or smaller, add “is awesome” in bold or italics, and even—for those of us who came of age in better times—make it blink or scroll across the screen.
The Future of Htmx (htmx.org)
htmx began life as intercooler.js, a library built around jQuery that added behavior based on HTML attributes.
HTML_slice: Enable Ruby classes the ability to generate reusable pieces of HTML (github.com/henrique-ft)
Enable Ruby classes the ability to generate reusable pieces of html
RIP W3C's HTML working group 1994-2024 (w3.org)
The mission of the HTML Working Group is to give input to and bring the WHATWG HTML and DOM Review Drafts to W3C Recommendations.
My favourite colour is Chuck Norris red (htmhell.dev)
Setting the colour of text on a webpage is usually a simple affair involving whipping it out the good ol' CSS color property. But this is HTMHell, dammit. None of that wishy-washy CSS nonsense here. No siree. We use HTML as the good lord intended and shalln't stray into the sins of cascading sheets lest we end up some non-HTML variant of hell where they define page structure with JavaScript vars.
Show HN: Mizu.js – Lightweight HTML templating library for any-side rendering (mizu.sh)
Supercharge your HTML!
Show HN: celine/bibhtml: a Web Components referencing system for HTML documents (maxbo.me)
Htmhail (htmhell.dev)
Can you give me the HTML for an accessible button please?
<dialog>: The Dialog Element (mozilla.org)
The <dialog> HTML element represents a modal or non-modal dialog box or other interactive component, such as a dismissible alert, inspector, or subwindow.
Building HTML in Go (templ.guide)
Create components that render fragments of HTML and compose them to create screens, pages, documents, or apps.
Contentlesshtml – An HTML page served entire in HTTP headers (5snb.club)
Show HN: HTML to Markdown – Free HTML to Markdown Online Converter (htmltomarkdown.io)
Free HTML to Markdown Online Converter
Reactive HTML Notebooks (maxbo.me)
I don't think HTML is being used enough as a platform for scientific publishing.
Cool HTML design without JavaScript (waka.moe)
A lot of cool designs can be created with just HTML and CSS.
Show HN: HTML-to-Markdown – convert entire websites to Markdown with Golang/CLI (github.com/JohannesKaufmann)
A robust html-to-markdown converter that transforms HTML (even entire websites) into clean, readable Markdown. It supports complex formatting, customizable options, and plugins for full control over the conversion process.