Hacker News with Generative AI: Formal Methods

Formal Methods: Just Good Engineering Practice? (2024) (brooker.co.za)
Yes. The answer is yes. In your face, Betteridge.
The P Programming Language: Formal modeling and analysis of distributed systems (github.com/p-org)
Challenge: Distributed systems are notoriously hard to get right. Programming these systems is challenging because of the need to reason about correctness in the presence of myriad possible interleaving of messages and failures. Unsurprisingly, it is common for service teams to uncover correctness bugs after deployment. Formal methods can play an important role in addressing this challenge!
Don't implement unification by recursion (philipzucker.com)
Unification is formal methods speak for solving equations.
Reflecting away from definitions in Liquid Haskell (tweag.io)
We’ve all been there: wasting a couple of days on a silly bug. Good news for you: formal methods have never been easier to leverage.
Use of Formal Methods by a Silicon Manufacturer (1988) [pdf] (bris.ac.uk)
Formal methods: Just good engineering practice? (brooker.co.za)
CBMC: C bounded model checker (2021) (cprover.org)
Forge: A Tool to Teach Formal Methods (brownplt.org)