Hacker News with Generative AI: Workplace Dynamics

The art of calling out room dynamics (2024) (leadership.garden)
Let’s face it: (some) meetings suck. And the higher up you climb in your career, the more you realize that even fancy executive-level meetings can devolve into absolute sh**shows.
Ask HN: How do you work with people who are "not quite smart"? (ycombinator.com)
Hey,<p>This is a touchy subject, and that might be a lack of awareness or empathy from my part. But trust that it comes from a genuine willingness of making things better for everyone.<p>We all work with people who we find "not as good", have different ways or work ethics. After being told for decades that this is usually a problem with communication or point of view, I had somewhat internalized the idea.
The Art of Calling Out Room Dynamics (leadership.garden)
Let’s face it: (some) meetings suck. And the higher up you climb in your career, the more you realize that even fancy executive-level meetings can devolve into absolute sh**shows.
How to give a senior leader feedback without getting fired (weskao.com)
How can you help a senior leader see they’re making life harder for themselves and their team?
Ask HN: My director got fired. His rival is taking his place. What to expect? (ycombinator.com)
As title says, my director, my initial hiring manager, was fired, presumably for underperformance.
Why that one coworker got fired for no reason (wordpress.com)
Your manager calls you into a virtual meeting and, after wading through the requisite bullshit small talk, asks what you’ve been working on for the last month.
Can you effectively work with leadership you don't trust? (ycombinator.com)
Let's say you have people higher on the corporate ladder on a technical level whose opinions you do not respect.
People can read their manager's mind (2015) (yosefk.com)
The Gervais Principle, or the Office According to “The Office” (2009) (ribbonfarm.com)
Ask HN: How to deal with vitrolic colleagues in workplace? (ycombinator.com)