Backblaze Drive Stats for 2024( As of December 31, 2024, we had 305,180 drives under management. Of that number, there were 4,060 boot drives and 301,120 data drives. This report will focus on those data drives as we review the Q4 2024 annualized failure rates (AFR), the 2024 failure rates, and the lifetime failure rates for the drive models in service as of the end of 2024.
644 points by TangerineDream 9 days ago | 205 comments
Computing Tricky Probabilities Using Model Counting( Probabilities of certain events are really hard to estimate sometimes. Often, it’s because we lack information of the underlying causal chains, but sometimes, it’s because the causes are so intertwined that even if we know the underlying probabilities of certain events happening along with the causal chains, it’s still impossible for us to untangle the web.
This is How Many Startup Businesses Fail in the First Year (+Survival Tips)( The startup journey is not for the faint-hearted. Pondering how many startup businesses fail in the first year is a prudent thing to do at pre-launch. This startup survival guide outlines the most critical startup failure statistics to keep in mind when planning your launch.
The average American spent 2.5 months on their phone in 2024( There's a good chance that you're currently reading this article on your phone. If you’re like one of the Americans surveyed by, this is one of 205 times today that you’ll be checking the device in your hand.
Lies. Damned Lies. P-value thresholds( Harold Eddleston, a seventy-seven-year-old from Greater Manchester, was still reeling from a cancer diagnosis he had been given that week when, on a Saturday morning in February, 1998, he received the worst possible news. He would have to face the future alone: his beloved wife had died unexpectedly, from a heart attack.
Kelly Can't Fail( You may have heard of the Kelly bet allocation strategy. It is a system for correctly exploiting information or bias in a gambling situation. It is also known as a maximally aggressive or high variance strategy, in that betting more than the Kelly selection can be quite ruinous.
Lies, damn lies, and shoplifting statistics( For 32 years, the National Retail Federation (NRF) — the lobbying group representing major retailers in the United States — has produced the "National Retail Security Survey."
14 points by surprisetalk 64 days ago | 1 comments
Leadership Power Tools: SQL and Statistics( A common pattern I’ve seen over the years have been folks in engineering leadership positions that are not super comfortable with extracting and interpreting data from stores, be it databases, CSV files in an object store, or even just a spreadsheet.
Maximum likelihood estimation and loss functions( When I started learning about loss functions, I could always understand the intuition behind them. For example, the mean squared error (MSE) for regression seemed logical—penalizing large deviations from the ground-truth makes sense. But one thing always bothered me: I could never come up with those loss functions on my own. Where did they come from? Why do we use these specific formulas and not something else?
Datasaurus dozen – Different datasets with the same descriptive statistics( The Datasaurus dozen comprises thirteen data sets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics to two decimal places, yet have very different distributions and appear very different when graphed.[1] It was inspired by the smaller Anscombe's quartet that was created in