Hacker News with Generative AI: Frontend Development

Relatively New Things You Should Know about HTML Heading into 2025 (frontendmasters.com)
Not all of this is like absolutely brand spanking new just-dropped-in-2024 stuff. Some of it is, but generally it’s relatively new stuff that’s all pretty great. I’m pointing things out that I think are really worth knowing about. It’s possible you haven’t kept up too much with HTML developments as it tends to, rightfully, move a lot slower than CSS or JavaScript.
XState – State machines for state management in JavaScript (github.com/statelyai)
XState is a state management and orchestration solution for JavaScript and TypeScript apps. It has zero dependencies, and is useful for frontend and backend application logic.
Show HN: CCState is a semantic, strict, and flexible state management library (github.com/e7h4n)
CCState is a semantic, strict, and flexible state management library suitable for medium to large single-page applications with complex state management needs.
Keeping Rails cool: the modern front end toolkit (evilmartians.com)
At Evil Martians, we advocate and build for startups on Rails, and we also know Ruby and Rails give teams a productivity boost and competitive edge. However, we’re also aware of what these startups struggle with the most: frontend. In this post, we share our “silver toolkit” for dealing with it!
Please Stop Using Barrel Files (tkdodo.eu)
How to organize your files "correctly" is a hot, controversial topic among frontend developers.
The ‘contain’ CSS property (mozilla.org)
The contain CSS property indicates that an element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent from the rest of the document tree.
Writing Tiny Desktop Apps in C and GTK3 (2022) (danielc.dev)
So you finish up your C/C++ backend, and open up the Electron.js documentation to figure out how to make a quick frontend...
Show HN: I'm building an AI tool that turns Design Systems into React components (robustlaunch.com)
Build your design system visually, then let AI generate on-brand sections that perfectly match your components and tokens.
Building a single-page app with Htmx (jakelazaroff.com)
People talk about htmx as though it’s saving the web from single-page apps. React has mired developers in complexity (so the story goes) and htmx is offering a desperately-needed lifeline.
Show HN: Zero – DX focused non framework to interact with the DOM (github.com/nhh)
Zero is not a framework. Zero is an approach to modern frontend development without the need of a framework. Technically, Zero is a set of types and functions that enables jsx to be transpiled in dom nodes.
Show HN: Zero – A no-framework approach to modern front end development (github.com/nhh)
Zero is not a framework. Zero is an approach to modern frontend development without the need of a framework. Technically, Zero is a set of types and functions that enables jsx to be transpiled in dom nodes.
Why I'm Leaving Meta (ycombinator.com)
This is a post I never thought I’d have to write. After years of working as a frontend software engineer at Meta, honing my skills on React and contributing to some of the most widely used frameworks in the world, I’ve made the decision to leave. But this isn’t just another “I’m leaving for a new opportunity” post. The truth runs much deeper, and darker, than that.
Show HN: Fabrix – Instantly Generate UI Frontend from GraphQL (github.com/fabrix-framework)
Fabrix is a framework for building React applications that are backed by GraphQL backend. With fabrix, React components are generated from queries and mutations and automatically rendered with the data fetched from the GraphQL server.
Inertia.js – Build React, Vue, or Svelte apps with server-side routing (inertiajs.com)
Inertia is a new approach to building classic server-driven web apps. We call it the modern monolith.
Show HN: Gov.uk Vue, a Vue Component Library for the Gov.uk Design System (govukvue.org)
Show HN: Ayr.js – a reactivity model designed for simplicity (npmjs.com)
VanillaJSX.com (vanillajsx.com)
Htmx: Simplicity in an Age of Complicated Solutions (erikheemskerk.nl)
We moved away from web components – learnings from a Component-First DevTool (corbado.com)
Ask HN: Why React? (ycombinator.com)
Web Apps Have Client and Server State (dashbit.co)
What You Need to Know about Modern CSS (Spring 2024 Edition) (frontendmasters.com)
React, Solid, Htmx (bobaekang.com)