Hacker News with Generative AI: Coding Challenges

Ask HN: How to protect yourself from coding challenge scam? (ycombinator.com)
These past months, I've seen several social media posts about people getting scammed during coding challenges or take-home tests.
Advent of Code 2024 (adventofcode.com)
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.
Advent of Code 2024 (adventofcode.com)
Our sponsors help make Advent of Code possible: CodeCrafters.io - Build your own Interpreter, SQLite, or Git. =============== It's coding practice on steroids. ============== Try it out for free today >> =============== Bonus, solve this: PWFI YFRP, ZIK XVNVC% KTW GOXA MMQEMOTH
Day 1 – Advent of Code 2024 (adventofcode.com)
The Chief Historian is always present for the big Christmas sleigh launch, but nobody has seen him in months!
New Level of Interview Hell (reddit.com)
4th stage interview, 2nd coding challenge (first one was in js). Expected completion time: 4 hours, including cloud deployment. Build and style single page with a table of users and a form to add those users via Ajax. "Frontend" must be built with bootstrap and jQuery, none of which I have used in the past 10 years. No css preprocessors or js pipeline, no virtual/docker environment.
1BRC Coding Challenge: Nerd Sniping the Java Community (infoq.com)
On January 1st, I put out this tweet, I put out a blog post introducing this challenge.
Writing an HTTP Server in Go from Scratch: Part 1 (krayorn.com)
Follow along while I write an HTTPServer in Go From scratch following a codecrafters challenge.