Hacker News with Generative AI: Christmas

Donald Knuth's 2024 Christmas Lecture: Strong and Weak Components [video] (youtube.com)
Nothing Is Sacred: AI Generated Slop Has Come for Christmas Music (404media.co)
AI-generated Christmas classics that dwell in the uncanny valley are giving listeners the creeps.
Christmas 1984: The last hurrah for 8-bit home computers (theregister.com)
Christmas 1984 marked the last hurrah for the home computer market as it once was.
Show HN: Handwritten Christmas Card for Hacker News (vercel.app)
Christmas Punch Requires a Formerly Forbidden Fruit (atlasobscura.com)
In Mexico, ponche Navideño—or Christmas punch—is a holiday classic, served up at parties and posadas, neighborhood-wide re-enactments of Mary and Joseph seeking shelter for the birth of Jesus. “Christmas in particular has so many foods and rituals attached to it. So you would have your ponche and your tamales,” says Lesley Téllez, a food writer and the author of the cookbook Eat Mexico.
Merry Christmas Everyone (ycombinator.com)
What are some of your favorite memories from Christmas? Share them here :)
Merry Christmas (ycombinator.com)
Merry Christmas
T * sin (t)' ≈ Ornamented Christmas Tree (2013) (wolfram.com)
Asus bombards Windows 11 with christmas.exe malware-like Christmas wreath banner (windowslatest.com)
The Christmas.exe in Task Manager and the Christmas theme wreath banner that covers half of your screen on Windows 11 are not malware but a new promotional campaign by ASUS on some PCs. It’s causing panic among users who spotted the banner on their PCs in the third week of December.
NASA solar probe to make its closest ever pass of sun on Christmas Eve (theguardian.com)
Nasa’s Parker solar probe is attempting its closest ever flyby of the sun, passing 3.8m miles from its surface on Christmas Eve.
Multiple casualties after car drives into crowd at Christmas market in Germany (euronews.com)
Santa Prefers Wealthy Sick Children (2023) (taylor.town)
It has long been thought that Santa Claus gives presents to nice but not naughty children. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to dispel the myth that Santa visits children based on behaviour and suggests socioeconomic deprivation plays a greater role in determining a visit. It raises important ethical dilemmas, such as whether children should be told and what should be done about Santa.
GCHQ Christmas Challenge Puzzles (bbc.com)
Latin dancing, Indian butter and American soldiers are some of the clues for this year's cryptic Christmas challenge set by the national spy agency.
December Adventure (Advent of Code alternative) (eli.li)
The Advent of Code is cool, but a lot, and not everyone’s jam.
Advent of Code 2024 (adventofcode.com)
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.
Day 1 – Advent of Code 2024 (adventofcode.com)
The Chief Historian is always present for the big Christmas sleigh launch, but nobody has seen him in months!
Ask HN: What were the best books you read this year? (ycombinator.com)
I'm looking for inspiration for the Christmas holidays.
New Comic Book: La BD de L'Avent, Le Lombard Publishing (davidrevoy.com)
A few months ago I wrote a short comic, a four-page one-shot, not about Pepper&Carrot, but about Christmas for Le Lombard publishing.
Show HN: deploying a website just to transfer a file (lunesu.com)
Christmas is nearing, and this year I’m once again spending time in the Vancouver Hack Space to work on a silly Christmas project to turn a human-sized1 acrylic sphere into a snow globe.
Somebody please get me this desktop wind tunnel for Christmas (thedrive.com)
Sometimes, the answer to the question no one asked is the best answer of them all. No one genuinely needs a wind tunnel to put their toy cars in, and yet that’s precisely what a startup has been working to realize since late last year.
Coca-Cola didn't invent Santa the 10 biggest Christmas myths debunked (2016) (theguardian.com)
Christmas in Venezuela kicks off in October, President Maduro has declared (apnews.com)