Hacker News with Generative AI: Comics

Celebrating the timeless allure of Tintin's aesthetics (collegetowns.substack.com)
The Adventures of Tintin was a Belgian comic by the artist Hergé that ran from 1929 until 1976. As the first publication, Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, is now over 95 years old, the character has entered the public domain in the US as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Popeye is now Public Domain (theverge.com)
It’s a new year, and that means more works are headed to the public domain. This year, thousands of copyrighted works created in 1929, including the earliest versions of Popeye and the Belgian comic book character Tintin, are now free to reuse and repurpose in the US.
Popeye and Tintin enter the public domain in 2025 along with Faulkner, Hemingway (apnews.com)
Popeye can punch without permission and Tintin can roam freely starting in 2025. The two classic comic characters who first appeared in 1929 are among the intellectual properties becoming public domain in the United States on Jan. 1.
An Interview with Bill Watterson (1987) (timhulsizer.com)
When Calvin and Hobbes hit the nation's funny pages in late 1985, it took everybody by surprise.
New Comic Book: La BD de L'Avent, Le Lombard Publishing (davidrevoy.com)
A few months ago I wrote a short comic, a four-page one-shot, not about Pepper&Carrot, but about Christmas for Le Lombard publishing.
What is the first American graphic novel? (haljohnsonbooks.substack.com)
I want to find the first American graphic novel—I say American simply because I know very little about comics of other countries; so put down your Tintins and your ACK hardbacks, and let’s see where this leads us.
John Cassaday, Award-Winning Comic Book Artist&Creator of Planetary Dies at 52 (nytimes.com)
John Cassaday, an award-winning comic book artist best known for his runs on Planetary, a series he helped create about a trio of adventurers investigating strange events, and Astonishing X-Men, on which his work offered readers a new entry point to a decades-old franchise, died on Sept. 9 in Manhattan. He was 52.
Xkcd Game Theory Question (plover.com)
Tales from the Far Side (kleefeldoncomics.com)
The Key to Bizarro's Symbols (bizarro.com)
Mathematical Comics: A Tour of Complex Analysis (sites.google.com)
Introduction to Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages 1985-1995 (2001) (timhulsizer.com)
Xkcd 2957: A Crossword Puzzle (xkcd.com)
Show HN: Shortbread App – AI-powered, romantic comics for women (shortbreadapp.com)
Spring Forth, My Creation (wondermark.com)