Hacker News with Generative AI: Pop Culture

The Michael Scott Theory of Social Class (danco.substack.com)
I’m happy to finally share a thesis I’ve been chewing on for a little while. I call it The Michael Scott Theory of Social Class, which states: The higher you ascend the ladder of the Educated Gentry class, the more you become Michael Scott.
How Pac-Man Revolutionized Gaming (2020) (mitpress.mit.edu)
When Pac-Man arrived in 1980, it didn’t just become a popular video game. It transcended video games. There was Pac-Man cereal in grocery stores, a Pac-Man cartoon on television, and even a hit Pac-Man song on the radio. In other words, Pac-Man blew onto the scene with a scale of cultural impact that video games, already an international phenomenon, had never previously achieved.
Before Squid Game, there was Battle Royale (tokyoweekender.com)
In less than a week, the second season of Squid Game — a show about desperate people participating in deadly challenges for money — was viewed nearly 70 million times, becoming the most popular Netflix show in 92 countries.
Celebrating the timeless allure of Tintin's aesthetics (collegetowns.substack.com)
The Adventures of Tintin was a Belgian comic by the artist Hergé that ran from 1929 until 1976. As the first publication, Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, is now over 95 years old, the character has entered the public domain in the US as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Popeye is now Public Domain (theverge.com)
It’s a new year, and that means more works are headed to the public domain. This year, thousands of copyrighted works created in 1929, including the earliest versions of Popeye and the Belgian comic book character Tintin, are now free to reuse and repurpose in the US.
The accidental invention of the snow globe (2024) (smithsonianmag.com)
In the opening scene of the 1941 mystery Citizen Kane, the eponymous protagonist, played by Orson Welles, clenches a snow globe in his hand as he utters his last word: “rosebud.” The glass-encased spherical diorama of a snowy scene was a mere novelty at the time, but the film, in part, gave rise to its popularity.
Siri mixes up baby kangaroo with Friends sitcom actor (mastodon.social)
Ask HN: What Is the Meaning Behind Anime Girls Holding Programming Books (ycombinator.com)
Found on github: https://github.com/cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books
Google Year in Search 2024: The Breakout searches of the year (google)
From record-breaking Olympians and the global resurgence of country music, to the rise of an irresistibly charming baby hippo, 2024 was a year full of surprises no one saw coming.
"This is not a joke, Funko just called my mom" (twitter.com)
Nokia celebrates pop-culture status by opening design archive (theguardian.com)
The mobile phones we loved then lost are honoured by an online archive which reveals history of bestselling brand
The Rise and Fall of Matchbox's Toy-Car Empire (hagerty.com)
The announcement that John Cena has signed on to be the star of the new Matchbox live-action movie raises a few questions. First—there’s going to be a Matchbox movie? And second—what will it be about, exactly?
Hacker Typer (hackertyper.net)
Created in 2011, Hacker Typer arose from a simple desire to look like the stereotypical hacker in movies and pop culture.
Miley Cyrus Sued over 'Flowers,' Accused of Copying Bruno Mars Song (rollingstone.com)
Miley Cyrus has been hit with a new lawsuit alleging she and her fellow songwriters copied portions of a Bruno Mars single when they wrote her Grammy-winning banger “Flowers.”
Brazil's Twitter ban threatens stan-driven global pop culture, media ecosystems (taylorlorenz.substack.com)
Star Trek time travels to August 30, 2024 (reddit.com)
A Few Indisputable Points About Poptimism and Then I Give Up (freddiedeboer.substack.com)
Pop Culture (wheresyoured.at)
What Happened to People Magazine? (annehelen.substack.com)
Pop culture has become an oligopoly (2022) (experimental-history.com)
Eden Abhez: The strangest hit songwriter (honest-broker.com)
Call Your Local Wizard (slate.com)
Farewell, Chuck E. Cheese Animatronic Band (nytimes.com)
Who Wants to Be a Thousandaire? (2011) (damninteresting.com)
Cindy Lee might be the future of music (gq.com)
Dun, Dun Duuun Where did pop culture's most dramatic sound come from? (2022) (theguardian.com)
Mad MAX was released 45 years ago this week (twitter.com)