Hacker News with Generative AI: Google Search

Google Quality Raters Guidelines Warns of Significant Scrolling on Recipe Blogs (seroundtable.com)
Another update in the revised Google Quality Raters Guidelines that was updated on January 23rd was that they added a section for recipe sites and said that requiring "significant scrolling" or making it hard to find the jump to recipe button is not a good thing.
Google Says "Links Matter Less"–We Looked at 1M SERPs to See If It's True (ahrefs.com)
Microsoft Bing Now Hides Google Search Results (seroundtable.com)
Recently, we saw Microsoft tricking searchers into thinking they were searching in Google and not on Bing.
Google begins requiring JavaScript for Google Search (techcrunch.com)
Google says it has begun requiring users to turn on JavaScript, the widely used programming language to make web pages interactive, in order to use Google Search.
Google begins requiring JavaScript for Google Search (techcrunch.com)
Google says it has begun requiring users to turn on JavaScript, the widely-used programming language to make web pages interactive, in order to use Google Search.
More Than Half of All Google Search Takedowns Now Come from Link-Busters (torrentfreak.com)
Link-Busters is the unofficial DMCA takedown champion of 2024. The anti-piracy outfit works for many of the world's largest publishing companies and is currently flagging the majority of all 'pirate' URLs to Google search; more than two billion in total. Despite this stellar effort, book pirates are chalking up new records too.
Google search hallucinates Encanto 2 (bsky.app)
Google Search Changes Are Killing Websites in an Age of AI Spam (cnet.com)
Google's major search algorithm updates this past year have left many smaller websites with no other choice than to lay off staff. The internet is worse for it.
Google search destroyed our voice as a travel blog (and others) (viatravelers.com)
Google Year in Search 2024: The Breakout searches of the year (google)
From record-breaking Olympians and the global resurgence of country music, to the rise of an irresistibly charming baby hippo, 2024 was a year full of surprises no one saw coming.
A subtle layout bug in Google Search: When CJK text-wrapping meets float (likang.dev)
Recently, I investigated an interesting layout bug in Google Search’s pagination component. I first noticed it a few months ago but thought it was caused by some Chrome extensions I had installed. Later, I set up a fresh browser profile and reproduced the issue, realizing it was a broader problem.
I just tested ChatGPT Search vs. Google – here's the results (tomsguide.com)
Google is getting even worse for independent sites (theverge.com)
An article in HouseFresh, a site dedicated to air quality, hit a nerve in February: it outlined how independent publishers have been gradually bumped out of Google search results, with big media companies taking their place.
Annoyed Redditors tanking Google Search results shows perils of AI scrapers (arstechnica.com)
A trend on Reddit that sees Londoners giving false restaurant recommendations in order to keep their favorites clear of tourists and social media influencers highlights the inherent flaws of Google Search’s reliance on Reddit and Google's AI Overview.
Why Google Search Is Falling Apart [video] (youtube.com)
Nearly all of the Google images results for "baby peacock" are AI generated (twitter.com)
Google partners with Internet Archive to link to archives in search (9to5google.com)
Rolling out starting today, Google Search results will now directly link to The Internet Archive to add historical context for the links in your results.
Ask HN: Did Google search change (for the worse) today? (ycombinator.com)
The biggest loser in the Google search ruling could be Mozilla and its Firefox (fortune.com)
Does Sundar Pichai/Search team know how bad Google search is? (ycombinator.com)
Google search won't autocomplete searches related to Trump assasination attempt (ycombinator.com)
Steam (video game store) considered natural cough remedy by Google search (imgur.com)
Courrier Font – Google Search (google.com)
Link-Busters Sent a Billion DMCA Takedown Requests to Google Search (torrentfreak.com)
Google Search ending 'Notes' experiment (9to5google.com)
How Disinformation from a Russian AI Spam Farm Ended Up on Top of Google Search (wired.com)
Google dropping continuous scroll in search results (searchengineland.com)
Google Search is indexing has halted (twitter.com)
Ask HN: Google Search is completely unusable. How do you work around it? (ycombinator.com)
Tuta Mail's website ranking mysteriously restored after Google's downranking (tuta.com)