Hacker News with Generative AI: Game Theory

Robust autonomy emerges from self-play (arxiv.org)
Self-play has powered breakthroughs in two-player and multi-player games. Here we show that self-play is a surprisingly effective strategy in another domain.
Trump's Federal Funding Freeze and Mean-Field Game Theory (mathstodon.xyz)
Information Cascading – Herd mentality meets game theory (substack.com)
Conversational Game Theory (aikiwiki.com)
Conversational Game Theory is a formal game of messaging, replies and tagging between human or AI agents that addresses qualitative, reasoning-intensive challenges while synthesizing multiple perspectives through high stakes conflict resolution and consensus building through narrative structures and feedback loops.
The Early Christian Strategy (astralcodexten.com)
In 1980, game theorist Robert Axelrod ran a famous Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Tournament.
Gambit The package for computation in game theory (gambit-project.org)
Gambit is an open-source collection of tools for doing computation in game theory.
St. Petersburg Paradox (wikipedia.org)
The St. Petersburg paradox or St. Petersburg lottery[1] is a paradox involving the game of flipping a coin where the expected payoff of the lottery game is infinite but nevertheless seems to be worth only a very small amount to the participants.
Principal–Agent Problem (wikipedia.org)
The principal–agent problem refers to the conflict in interests and priorities that arises when one person or entity (the "agent") takes actions on behalf of another person or entity (the "principal").
A game theory behind the dark forest strategy? (wikipedia.org)
Breaking Bell's Inequality with Monte Carlo Simulations in Python (bytepawn.com)
In this article, we explore a game that challenges the very foundations of classical physics and introduces us to the strange world of quantum mechanics. The game involves three players — Alice, Bob, and Victor — who perform a series of experiments to test a fundamental principle known as Bell's theorem. By carefully selecting their measurement devices and analyzing the outcomes, Alice and Bob aim to determine whether the physical world can be explained by deterministic local hidden variables.
The expected value of the game is positive regardless of Ballmer’s strategy (gukov.dev)
A few days ago John Graham-Cumming posted about “Steve Ballmer’s incorrect binary search interview question” which drew a lot of attention on Hacker News.
Analysis of adversarial binary search game (wordpress.com)
Alice and Bob are at it again, this time playing a game called Binary Search. Alice begins by secretly selecting an integer *key* from 1 to , then Bob makes a series of integer guesses, to each of which Alice responds indicating whether the guess is correct, or higher than her selected key value, or lower. Bob must pay Alice one dollar for each guess (including the final correct guess). How much should Alice be willing to pay to play this game with Bob?
Xkcd Game Theory Question (plover.com)
Finding Nash equilibria through simulation (psu.ac.th)
The Game Theory Behind Acing an Exam (2013) (insidehighered.com)
Social Trap (wikipedia.org)
Professional poker players know the optimal strategy but don't always use it (scientificamerican.com)
Mining Pool Game Theory During Forks (b10c.me)
Simulating the evolution of rock, paper, scissors [video] (youtube.com)
An abundance of Katherines: The game theory of baby naming (arxiv.org)
Arrow's Impossibility Theorem [video] (youtube.com)
Solving Probabilistic Tic-Tac-Toe (louisabraham.github.io)
Why neural networks struggle with the Game of Life (2020) (bdtechtalks.com)
Pareto Efficiency (wikipedia.org)