Hacker News with Generative AI: Interviewing

Show HN: Practice actual work conversations (with LLM based feedback) (prep.coach)
Prep Coach helps you sharpen your real-world skills by walking you through prompts and pointing out what you're doing well, and what could be improved.
Gladiator Style Interviewing (markgreville.ie)
After an interview, respect the Gladiator rules:
Nash equilibria in Ballmer's binary-search interview game (quuxplusone.github.io)
Yesterday John Graham-Cumming posted about “Steve Ballmer’s incorrect binary search interview question,” and in the Hacker News discussion, among the predictable “interview culture is flawed!!” complaints, there was some discussion of whether binary search was even the right way to solve Ballmer’s puzzle. Here’s a stab at an answer.
I Used Star Methodology to Crack Amazon Leadership Principles Interview (beehiiv.com)
In the present tech interview process, where efficient communication is the key to success and stands as the differentiating factor from other candidates, one must develop an impactful answer to communicate better and help the interviewer understand the candidate's perspective better than the rest.
New Level of Interview Hell (reddit.com)
4th stage interview, 2nd coding challenge (first one was in js). Expected completion time: 4 hours, including cloud deployment. Build and style single page with a table of users and a form to add those users via Ajax. "Frontend" must be built with bootstrap and jQuery, none of which I have used in the past 10 years. No css preprocessors or js pipeline, no virtual/docker environment.
A big collection of useful questions to ask potential employers (github.com/tBaxter)
Bug squash: An underrated interview question (jez.io)
Interviewing the Interviewer: Questions to Uncover a Company's True Culture (praachi.work)