Hacker News with Generative AI: Emacs

My Resignation from Emacs Development (lists.gnu.org)
I'm resigning my position as Emacs contributor.
gptel: a simple LLM client for Emacs (github.com/karthink)
A simple LLM client for Emacs
Implementing attributes for plain text using subranges like Emacs (akkartik.name)
Emacs-style ranges on a text buffer that I can now hang attributes like color, decorations and click handlers on to.
New Stuff in Emacs 30 (mgmarlow.com)
Whoa, the Emacs 30 release cycle has officially started (I totally missed when this was announced a month ago). We're still waiting on a pretest build, but that didn't stop me from reading through the NEWS file and highlighting some of my favorite changes.
Ask HN: If you were rewriting Emacs from scratch, what would you do differently? (ycombinator.com)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning on creating an Emacs killer, nor suggest anyone do that. But, hypothetically, what are some fundamental pitfalls of this foundational application?
Emacs Speaks Statistics (r-project.org)
Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) is an add-on package for GNU Emacs.
Kubed (Emacs-based Kubernetes interface) user manual, now with pretty images (eshelyaron.com)
Kubed is a rich Kubernetes interface within Emacs. It helps you work with your Kubernetes clusters and deployments with the full power of kubectl, and with the comfort and confidence of an intuitive interactive interface.
Emacs Bubble Mode (lmno.lol)
From time to time, I want to grab a source code viewport of sorts and feed to an LLM for questioning.
Combobulate: Bulk Editing Tree-sitter Nodes with Multiple Cursors (masteringemacs.org)
I’m sure you’ve found yourself in this situation: you want to edit something, but in multiple places, and at the same time. You’re busy; you don’t want to repeat yourself, and this is the twenty-first century and we do have the technology to do this!
Speech Dictation Mode for Emacs (lepisma.xyz)
There is a wide range of input mechanisms for computers, starting with keyboards (which are relatively mature) and extending to various types of neural interfaces (currently under research). Speech lies somewhere on this spectrum with a lot of promises but still not much to show for. Keeping accessibility aspects aside, I think speech is mature enough to be used for drafting ideas and taking notes. Maybe not so much for structured writing like programming or final versions of most prose.
Howm: Personal Wiki for Emacs (github.com/Emacs101)
Some Advice for How to Make Emacs Tetris Harder (2019) (nickdrozd.github.io)
Updating Built-In Emacs Packages (yummymelon.com)
Why Does Elisp Suck (emacswiki.org)
Emacs 30 Highlights (emacswiki.org)
Chrome and FF extension to edit any browser text field in an Emacs buffer (github.com/KarimAziev)
Emacs: Contextual Interfaces in Casual Calc (yummymelon.com)
Magit 4.0 Released (emacsair.me)
Support for MS-Windows Build of Emacs (lists.gnu.org)
Efficient Emacs startup and configuration with minimal-emacs.d (jamescherti.com)
Emacs development charts, 10×10% (ingebrigtsen.no)
Emacs: smarter search and replace (2021) (xenodium.com)
The Origin of Emacs in 1976 (onlisp.co.uk)
The Emacs 29 Edition of Mastering Emacs is out now (masteringemacs.org)
Real Player Mode Now on Melpa (lmno.lol)
Efficient LaTeX Editing with Emacs (michaelneuper.com)
Simple notes for Emacs with an efficient file-naming scheme (protesilaos.com)
Modern Emacs TypeScript Web Config (ovistoica.com)
Inline previous result in Emacs Lisp (xenodium.com)
Eplot: A new package for making charts in Emacs (ingebrigtsen.no)