Hacker News with Generative AI: Text Editors

Kibi – A text editor in less than 1024 lines of code, written in Rust (terminaltrove.com)
A text editor in less than 1024 lines of code, written in Rust.
Ask HN: Alternative to Emacs with undo-tree functionality? (ycombinator.com)
I have been using Emacs for about 10 years and am getting tired of its idiosyncrasies and performance hiccups. I tried a bunch of alternative editors with scripting support (most recent being TextAdept) but none of them seem to have a native Undo-Tree [1] features or an API powerful enough to build it. So, I am asking here: are there any non-Electron based editors with a reasonably decent scripting layer or a plugin system, and Undo Tree functionality.
The Anvil Text Editor (anvil-editor.net)
Anvil is a graphical, multi-pane tiling editor that makes bold use of the mouse and integrates closely with the shell. It supports syntax highlighting, multiple cursors and selections, remote file editing, and contains a powerful text manipulation language.
Implementing attributes for plain text using subranges like Emacs (akkartik.name)
Emacs-style ranges on a text buffer that I can now hang attributes like color, decorations and click handlers on to.
Show HN: Semantic Macros Text Editor (samrawal.com)
Firepad – An embeddable open-source collaborative code and text editor for web (firepad.io)
Real-time collaboration with no server code.
Lessons from Plain Text (rugu.dev)
When you interact with a text file using an editor, what you see doesn’t necessarily reflect the data stored in the file.
炊紙(kashikishi) is a text editor that utilizes GPU to edit text in a 3D space (github.com/mitoma)
Multics Emacs: The History, Design and Implementation (multicians.org)
Multics Emacs is a video-oriented text preparation and editing system running on Honeywell's Multics [Multics] system, being distributed as an experimental offering in Multics Release 7.0.
Combobulate: Bulk Editing Tree-sitter Nodes with Multiple Cursors (masteringemacs.org)
I’m sure you’ve found yourself in this situation: you want to edit something, but in multiple places, and at the same time. You’re busy; you don’t want to repeat yourself, and this is the twenty-first century and we do have the technology to do this!
Wonderful Vi (world.hey.com)
The speed of change in technology often appears to be the industry's defining characteristic.
Wonderful Vi (world.hey.com)
The speed of change in technology often appears to be the industry's defining characteristic.
Show HN: Void, an open-source Cursor/GitHub Copilot alternative (github.com/voideditor)
Void is an open source Cursor alternative.
Acode – powerful text/code editor for Android (github.com/deadlyjack)
Welcome to Acode Editor - a powerful and versatile code editing tool designed specifically for Android devices. Whether you're working on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or other programming languages, Acode empowers you to code on-the-go with confidence.
Show HN: Ki Editor – Multicursor syntactical editor (ki-editor.github.io)
Ki 1 Editor is a modal 2 editor that supports multi-cursor structural editing.
Show HN: A retro terminal text editor for GNU/Linux coded in C (C-edit) (github.com/velorek1)
Lem: Emacs-like editor written in Common Lisp (lem-project.github.io)
Vim Racer (vim-racer.com)
Leaving Neovim for Zed (stevedylan.dev)
Bold Edit: An editor written by power users (bold-edit.com)
Sublime Text 4 Build 4180 (sublimetext.com)
Don't use Vim for the wrong reasons (2020) (github.com)
I Made an Extended Version of Vimtutor – Introducing Vimtutor Sequel (github.com/micahkepe)
WordGrinder: A simple word processor that runs on the console (github.com/davidgiven)
Simple notes for Emacs with an efficient file-naming scheme (protesilaos.com)
Inline previous result in Emacs Lisp (xenodium.com)
Modern IDEs are magic. Why still use Vim, Emacs? (2020) (stackoverflow.blog)
Pulsar – A Community-Led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor (pulsar-edit.dev)
Vim Registers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts (2013) (vimcasts.org)
My (Neo)Vim workflow (seniormars.com)