Hacker News with Generative AI: Terminal

Supershell, an AI powered shell~terminal assistant (open-source) (2501.ai)
Enter Supershell, the next evolution of terminal interaction. More than a copilot, it’s a real-time assistant that transforms your command-line experience.
Yt-x: Browse YouTube from your terminal (github.com/Benexl)
Browse YouTube from your terminal. Plus other sites yt-dlp supports.
Actual Web Rendering in Terminal (github.com/chase)
"Rules" that terminal programs follow (jvns.ca)
Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination of:
Chawan: A web browser for your terminal (sr.ht)
A text-mode web browser. It displays websites in your terminal and allows you to navigate on them.
The Story of Nel (deusinmachina.net)
Real Programmers code in the terminal.
ANSI Escape Sequences Cheatsheet (github.com)
Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Sequin: A powerful little tool for inspecting ANSI escape sequences (github.com/charmbracelet)
Human-readable ANSI sequences 🪩
chawan: A web browser for your terminal (sr.ht)
Show HN: Scooter – Interactive find and replace in the terminal (github.com/thomasschafer)
Scooter is an interactive find-and-replace terminal UI app.
Way too many ways to wait on a child process with a timeout (gaultier.github.io)
I often need to launch a program in the terminal in a retry loop. Maybe because it's flaky, or because it tries to contact a remote service that is not available. A few scenarios:
Show HN: A Terminal filesystem navigator (github.com/willmcgugan)
An experimental filesystem navigator for the terminal, built with Textual
ASCII control characters in my terminal (jvns.ca)
Hello! I’ve been thinking about the terminal a lot and yesterday I got curious about all these “control codes”, like Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-W, etc. What’s the deal with all of them?
ASCII control characters in my terminal (jvns.ca)
Hello! I’ve been thinking about the terminal a lot and yesterday I got curious about all these “control codes”, like Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-W, etc. What’s the deal with all of them?
Gohufont (gohu.org)
Gohufont is a monospace bitmap font well suited for programming and terminal use.
Show HN: kew – A Terminal Music Player for Linux (github.com/ravachol)
kew (/kjuː/) is a terminal music player for Linux.
Show HN: Screensavers for your terminal (Bevy/Ratatui) (github.com/cxreiff)
Screensavers for your terminal. Start immediately or after a period of inactivity within a shell.
Theattyr: A terminal theater for playing VT100 art and animations (github.com/orhun)
A terminal theater for playing VT100 art and animations.
Cutting videos in the terminal with chafa and FFmpeg (wonger.dev)
I've been working on a video editor for the terminal: demo.webm.
Show HN: An experimental 2D/3D game engine for the terminal (github.com/andrewmd5)
Glyphion is an experimental game engine that renders 2D and 3D games to the terminal.
Terminal Tinder: Find your next colorscheme (terminaltinder.com)
Fall in love with your next color scheme
Browsing Hacker News in the Terminal (ggerganov.com)
HNTerm is a Hacker News client for the terminal.
Essential Terminal Commands Every Developer Should Know (trevorlasn.com)
oh-my-posh: The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt (github.com/JanDeDobbeleer)
Show HN: Printing Chess Boards in a Terminal (github.com/GeertBosch)
Troubleshooting: Terminal Lag (cmpxchg8b.com)
Ask HN: Terminal RSS Reader (ycombinator.com)
A (not so) small library for terminal based game development (github.com/pygamelib)
Bash-Oneliners: A collection of terminal tricks for Linux (github.com/onceupon)
Advanced Terminal Tips and Tricks (bitsand.cloud)