Hacker News with Generative AI: Shell

The history and use of /etc/glob in early Unixes (utoronto.ca)
One of the innovations that the V7 Bourne shell introduced was built in shell wildcard globbing, which is to say expanding things like *, ?, and so on.
Bash Completion (2023) (erikarow.land)
This week, I’ve been exploring how tab completion works in Bash.
Oils 0.24.0 – Closures, Objects, and Namespaces (oilshell.org)
Fish has been ported to Rust (github.com/fish-shell)
fish’s core code has been ported from C++ to Rust (#9512). This means a large change in dependencies and how to build fish. Packagers should see the For Distributors section at the end.
Fish shell announces 4.0 release (lwn.net)
fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell with clever features that just work, without needing an advanced degree in bash scriptology. Today we are announcing an open beta, inviting all users to try out the upcoming 4.0 release.
Evolution of Shells in Linux (2011) (developer.ibm.com)
Rash – The Reckless Racket Shell (rash-lang.org)
Rash is a language, library, and shell REPL for Racket.
Modern Path Environment Variable (izissise.net)
The PATH environment variable is read by the shell or libc to find and execute programs, this is how the shell can find /bin/ls when ls is typed in a terminal.
Lish Shell (github.com/nibbula)
This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 25, 2024. It is now read-only.
Show HN: Sol – A de-minifier for shell programs (github.com/noperator)
A de-minifier (formatter, exploder, beautifier) for shell one-liners.
A Spreadsheet and a Debugger Walk into a Shell (arcan-fe.com)
Here we continue the series of posts on the development of a command-line shell which defies terminal emulation by using the display server API locally and a purpose built network protocol remotely.
Reasons I still love the fish shell (jvns.ca)
I wrote about how much I love fish in this blog post from 2017 and, 7 years of using it every day later, I’ve found even more reasons to love it. So I thought I’d write a new post with both the old reasons I loved it and some reasons.
Shell Has a Forth-Like Quality (2017) (oilshell.org)
Show HN: Shelly – A pure and vanilla shell-like interface for the web (github.com/galvao-eti)
Shell.how: Explain Shell Commands (shell.how)
oh-my-posh: The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt (github.com/JanDeDobbeleer)
Rust Port for Fish Shell Is Almost Ready for a Beta Release (itsfoss.com)
Pnut: A C to POSIX shell compiler you can trust (pnut.sh)
Reasons to use your shell's job control (jvns.ca)
Oils 0.22.0 – Docs, Pretty Printing, Nix, and Zsh (oilshell.org)
Show HN: Elles – A nicer /bin/ls (github.com/arp242)
Elvish, expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell (elv.sh)
Shell sold carbon credits for carbon that was never captured (cbc.ca)
Shell sold 'phantom' carbon credits (ft.com)