Hacker News with Generative AI: Racket

Why Racket? Why Lisp? (beautifulracket.com)
A Racket alternative to HTML Tidy (joeldueck.com)
If you use Racket to generate web pages, you should use this package to make your HTML both readable and correct. Why go to the trouble of designing clean, semantic markup if you’re just going to slap it all on one line that scrolls horizontally forever?
Racket-embed-images-in-source-text (github.com/shriram)
Racket enables you to embed images in the document source. The moment you do, however, the file becomes a different format (WXME). In particular, this format is effectively binary, which means it doesn't work well with tools like grep, git, etc.
Racket School 2019: The "How to Design Languages" Track (racket-lang.org)
This summer school track introduces attendees to the Racket way of language-oriented programming and language building.
2D Racket Syntax (racket-lang.org)
The 2d language installs #2d reader support in the readtables, and then chains to the reader of another language that is specified immediately after 2d.
Rhombus: A New Spin on Macros (2023) (dl.acm.org)
Rhombus is a new language that is built on Racket. It offers the same kind of language extensibility as Racket itself, but using traditional (infix) notation.
Rash – The Reckless Racket Shell (rash-lang.org)
Rash is a language, library, and shell REPL for Racket.
Pollen: A publishing system written in Racket (racket-lang.org)
Pollen is a publishing system that helps authors make functional and beautiful digital books.
Beautiful Racket (beautifulracket.com)
Thank you for your comment Beau­tiful Racketan intro­duc­tion to language-oriented program­ming using Racketby Matthew Butt­erick · version 1.6
Rhombus: Macro-extensible language with conventional syntax built on Racket (racket-lang.org)
Asteroids Game in Racket (2021) (alex-hhh.github.io)
Zuo: A Tiny Racket for Scripting (github.com/racket)
Racket Plot Cookbook (github.com/Racket-Cookbooks)
New Racket Deep Learning Library (github.com/dev-null321)
Racket Language (racket-lang.org)