Rohlang3: A point-free, homoiconic, and dependently typed "SK calculus"
I’ve long been obsessed with minimalistic languages that still manage to have expressive power. My usual approach: start with a bare-bones combinator calculus (like SK), then keep adding “one more extension” until it looks suspiciously like a full-blown typed language. rohlang3 is exactly that experiment. It’s a small language built in Rust that tries to be point-free, homoiconic, and (somewhat) dependently typed, all on top of an SK-like foundation—plus reflection, partial evaluation, and a weird environment reordering system.
I’ve long been obsessed with minimalistic languages that still manage to have expressive power. My usual approach: start with a bare-bones combinator calculus (like SK), then keep adding “one more extension” until it looks suspiciously like a full-blown typed language. rohlang3 is exactly that experiment. It’s a small language built in Rust that tries to be point-free, homoiconic, and (somewhat) dependently typed, all on top of an SK-like foundation—plus reflection, partial evaluation, and a weird environment reordering system.