Hacker News with Generative AI: Language Design

Rohlang3: A point-free, homoiconic, and dependently typed "SK calculus" (rohan.ga)
I’ve long been obsessed with minimalistic languages that still manage to have expressive power. My usual approach: start with a bare-bones combinator calculus (like SK), then keep adding “one more extension” until it looks suspiciously like a full-blown typed language. rohlang3 is exactly that experiment. It’s a small language built in Rust that tries to be point-free, homoiconic, and (somewhat) dependently typed, all on top of an SK-like foundation—plus reflection, partial evaluation, and a weird environment reordering system.
Racket School 2019: The "How to Design Languages" Track (racket-lang.org)
This summer school track introduces attendees to the Racket way of language-oriented programming and language building.
Go's Weird Little Iterators (mcyoung.xyz)
A second post on Go silliness (Miguel, aren’t you a C++ programmer?): in 1.23, Go finally added custom iterators. Now, back when I was at Google and involved in the Go compiler as “the annoying Rust guy who gets lunch with us”, there were proposals suggesting adding something like this, implemented as either an interface or a func:
Adding syntax to the CPython interpreter (leontrolski.github.io)
Let's add some new syntax to Python! Making a small change is not so hard.
Language Compilation Speed (2021) (alopex.li)
Evolving languages faster with type tailoring (lambdaland.org)
Evolving languages faster with type tailoring (lambdaland.org)
Exploring biphasic programming: a new approach in language design (rybicki.io)
Use context-free grammars instead of parser combinators and PEG (writeas.com)