Hacker News with Generative AI: Swift

Trot (robinrendle.com)
I’ve been tinkering with an iOS app for the last month or so. It’s exciting stuff! Working in Swift and moving away from the web has made my work feel all new and fresh, with so many things to learn. The project codename is Trot (for now!) and here’s some notes about what I’ve learned so far.
Hotline for modern Apple systems (github.com/mierau)
An attempt to resurrect Hotline for modern Apple systems (iOS, macOS, etc) by completely recreating it in Swift and SwiftUI.
Apple is open sourcing Swift Build (swift.org)
As a foundational step in this new chapter of Swift build technologies, today Apple is open sourcing Swift Build, a powerful and extensible build engine that provides a set of build rules for building Swift projects.
Swift for C++ Practitioners: Move Semantics (douggregor.net)
Since their introduction in C++11, move semantics have been an integral part of programming in C++. Move semantics are implemented in C++ with rvalue references, which express the idea that the entity they refer to is temporary in nature (an rvalue in programming language speak) and effectively won't be used again later.
SwiftUWhy (mastodon.social)
Now We're All Forked (appdecentral.com)
TLDR; I’m launching a new Swift framework called Forked for working with shared data, both on a single device, and across many.
Apple's use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 18 (timac.org)
As with previous iOS versions, let’s analyze the built-in apps of iOS 18 to answer a few questions: How many binaries does iOS 18 contain? Which programming languages were used to develop these apps? How many apps are written in Swift? What percentage of apps use SwiftUI versus UIKit?
Native Swift on Android, Part 2: Your First Swift Android App (skip.tools)
Swift is Apple’s recommended language for app development, and with good reason. Its safety, efficiency, and expressiveness have made it easier than ever to build fast, polished, and robust apps for the Apple ecosystem. Recent stories about Swift on Windows and Swift on the Playdate highlight developers’ desire to take advantage of Swift on other platforms too. In this series, we explore writing native Swift apps for Android with Skip.
Swift Vision: Improving the Approachability of Data-Race Safety (mjtsai.com)
This document lays out several potential paths for improving the usability of Swift 6, especially in simple situations where users aren’t intending to use concurrency at all.
Watch Out for Counterintuitive Implicit Actor-Isolation (jaredsinclair.com)
I ran into some unexpected runtime crashes recently while testing an app on iOS 18 compiled under Swift 6 language mode, and the root causes ended up being the perils of using @unchecked Sendable in combination with some counterintuitive compiler behavior with implicit actor isolation.
Secure your URLSession network requests using Certificate Pinning (erezhod.com)
In an age where data breaches and cyber threats are on the rise, securing your app’s communication isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must. This article will guide you through implementing a methodology called “Certificate Pinning” using Swift’s URLSession, a simple yet powerful way to safeguard your iOS and macOS apps from man-in-the-middle attacks. By the end, you’ll not only understand why this technique is critical but also how to integrate it seamlessly into your network requests.
Ask HN: What are the nice feature you need in a programming language? (ycombinator.com)
I'm developing a programming language, the keywords and features mostly based on Swift 5 but some additional features like, <p>1. async function will be called from no async function but no async/await keyword. If you want to block main thread then block_main() function will be used. block_main() /* operations */ unblock_main()<p>2. protocol can inherit another protocol(s) & protocol can confirm a class like swift.<p>3. no `let`. only `var`. compiler can optimize further.<p>4.
Safe and efficient C++ interoperability via non-escapable types and lifetimes (swift.org)
Swift – A great language strangled by governance? (jacobstechtavern.com)
Swift was a great language, but it has fallen far from its original vision.
Apple is Killing Swift (jacobstechtavern.com)
Swift was a great language, but it has fallen far from its original vision.
Swift Creator Chris Lattner on Mojo and Roc (youtube.com)
The Liberating Experience of Common Lisp (ds9soft.com)
I program in Objective-C and Swift daily, because those are the languages that Apple requires developers to use to build software for their platform.
On Leaving My Last Job (typesanitizer.com)
I worked at Apple on the Swift team from July 2019 to Sept 2021. In terms of my career as a Software Engineer, this was the Year 0 - 2.25 period.
Leaving my last job [at Apple] (typesanitizer.com)
I worked at Apple on the Swift team from July 2019 to Sept 2021. In terms of my career as a Software Engineer, this was the Year 0 - 2.25 period.
Swift/Java interoperability tools and libraries (twitter.com)
Swift 6 (swift.org)
We’re delighted to announce the general availability of Swift 6. This is a major new release that expands Swift to more platforms and domains.
A Swift Toolchain for Android, Part 1: Setup, Compiling, Running, and Testing (skip.tools)
You may already be familiar with Skip as a tool for bringing your Swift iOS apps to Android. Skip takes a novel transpilation approach, where we integrate with the Xcode build system to convert your Swift code into Kotlin. This allows us to create an Android library for every build of your Swift package, or to launch an Android version of your SwiftUI app on every Xcode Run.
Swift is a more convenient Rust (namangoel.com)
Swift Creator Chris Lattner on Mojo and Roc [video] (youtube.com)
Show HN: Skip – Build native iOS and Android apps from a single Swift codebase (skip.tools)
Show HN: Tree-sitter Integration for Swift (github.com/daspoon)
The dark secret of Swift optionals (jacobbartlett.substack.com)
RubyGateway: Embed Ruby in Swift (github.com/johnfairh)
Swift Homomorphic Encryption (swift.org)
Show HN: Tiny Moon – Swift library to calculate the moon phase (github.com/mannylopez)