Hacker News with Generative AI: Types

Types and Programming Languages (cis.upenn.edu)
In Search of Types (2014) [pdf] (humprog.org)
Ada's dependent types, and its types as a whole (nytpu.com)
So I like to joke occasionally on the Fediverse that when looking at Wikipedia's list of programming languages supporting dependent types:
Tjq: Giving Types to Jq (github.com/alpaylan)
Giving types to jq
How linear types control the future and prevent bugs [video] (youtube.com)
Fear Not the Association of Types (gavinleroy.com)
What the heck are reverse mapped types? (andreasimonecosta.dev)
Types as Interfaces (two-wrongs.com)
Evolving languages faster with type tailoring (lambdaland.org)
A Type for Overload Set (biowpn.github.io)
Ergonomic Self-Referential Types for Rust (yoshuawuyts.com)