Hacker News with Generative AI: Cross-Platform

Visual Basic 6 recreated as a cross-platform IDE in modern .NET – just 'for fun' (devclass.com)
Software engineer Bartosz Korczynski has created what he calls “a recreation of the classic Visual Basic 6 (VB 6) IDE and language in C# with Avalonia,” running cross-platform, though he notes that the implementation of the VB6 language is limited and states that it is “purely a toy and for fun project.”
Truly portable C applications (lwn.net)
Programming language polyglots are files that are valid programs in multiple languages, and do different things in each. While polyglots are normally nothing more than a curiosity, the Cosmopolitan Libc project has been trying to put them to a novel use: producing native, multi-platform binaries that run directly on several operating systems and architectures.
NeoHtop: A Cross-Platform Activity Monitor Written in Svelte, Rust and Tauri (github.com/Abdenasser)
A modern, cross-platform system monitor built on top of Svelte, Rust, and Tauri.
Monado: Open-source XR runtime for VR and AR on mobile, PC/desktop (freedesktop.org)
Monado is an open source XR runtime delivering immersive experiences such as VR and AR on mobile, PC/desktop, and other devices. Monado aims to be a complete and conformant implementation of the OpenXR API made by Khronos. The project is currently being developed for GNU/Linux and aims to support other operating systems such as Windows in the near future.
Show HN: I built a free screen recording app similar to Screen Studio (screenvivid.com)
Experience the power of a cross-platform, open-source desktop app for screen recording and video editing on macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Open-TV: Ultra-fast, simple and powerful cross-platform IPTV app (github.com/Fredolx)
Completely rewritten to accommodate new features and to be even speedier, Open TV has been carefully crafted to deliver the best IPTV experience.
Miqt: MIT-licensed Qt bindings for Go (github.com/mappu)
MIQT is MIT-licensed Qt bindings for Go.
LsCs is a cross platform C++ GUI library focused on Medical Devices (lscs-software.com)
LsCs is a cross platform GUI library forked from CopperSpice focusing on Desktops and Embedded systems.
Windows App now available on all major platforms (microsoft.com)
We're excited to announce that, starting today, Windows App is generally available for Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and web browsers—and in public preview for Android.
Sigrok – a portable, cross-platform, FOSS signal analysis software suite (sigrok.org)
The sigrok project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source signal analysis software suite that supports various device types (e.g. logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, and many more).
Ask HN: How do you sync ongoing browser work between desktop and laptop? (ycombinator.com)
For a long time now, I have both a Work Desktop and a Work/Personal Laptop (both are company issued, but I have full control over both of them). The laptop runs macOS, the Desktop runs Linux (I can install whatever). Also, I'm mostly doing DevOps these days.
Notan: Cross-Platform Multimedia Layer (github.com/Nazariglez)
RioTerminal – Cross Platform Terminal in Rust (raphamorim.io)
oh-my-posh: The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt (github.com/JanDeDobbeleer)
Mpv – A free, open-source, and cross-platform media player (mpv.io)
Show HN: Multilspy – Cross platform framework to develop Language Server Clients (github.com/microsoft)
Skylicht Engine: lighweight cross-platform classic game engine (github.com/skylicht-lab)
PgManage: Modern, cross platform graphical database client (github.com/commandprompt)
Git-credential-manager: Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage (github.com/git-ecosystem)
Kivy – a cross platform Python UI framework (kivy.org)
UUIDv7 in 20 Languages (antonz.org)
'Noodle Rat' a New Cross-Platform Malware Targets Windows and Linux Systems (thesecuritypivot.com)
Webview: Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++ (github.com/webview)
Fswatch – A cross-platform file change monitor (emcrisostomo.github.io)
Show HN: Spot – Simple, cross-platform, reactive desktop GUI toolkit for Go (github.com/roblillack)
Spot: Reactive, cross-platform desktop GUI toolkit for Go (github.com/roblillack)
Alacritty – A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator (github.com/alacritty)
Thorium: Cross-platform patched Chromium fork (github.com/Alex313031)
Wine 9.9 (Dev) – Run Windows Applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and macOS (winehq.org)
Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust (mozilla.org)