Hacker News with Generative AI: Data Management

Snowflake opens chat-driven access to enterprise and third-party data (theregister.com)
Snowflake is set to preview a new platform it claims will help organizations build chatbots that can serve up data from its own analytics systems and those external to the cloud data platform vendor.
Netflix's Distributed Counter Abstraction (netflixtechblog.com)
In our previous blog post, we introduced Netflix’s TimeSeries Abstraction, a distributed service designed to store and query large volumes of temporal event data with low millisecond latencies. Today, we’re excited to present the Distributed Counter Abstraction. This counting service, built on top of the TimeSeries Abstraction, enables distributed counting at scale while maintaining similar low latency performance. As with all our abstractions, we use our Data Gateway Control Plane to shard, configure, and deploy this service globally.
Utilizing HubSpot's APIs to Break Down Data Silos (accelant.com)
I’ve seen this movie countless times: Business Has Tons of Useful Data That’s Scattered Across Systems and Isn’t Being Used for Much (or anything).
Evolving a NoSQL Database Schema (karmanivero.us)
In a NoSQL environment, Entity Manager organizes the physical distribution of data to support efficient query operations.
Get me out of data hell (mataroa.blog)
It is 9:59 AM in Melbourne, 9th October, 2024. Sunlight filters through my windows, illuminating swirling motes of dust across my living room. There is a cup of tea in my hand. I take a sip and savor it.
Make It Ephemeral: Software Should Decay and Lose Data (pocoo.org)
Most software that exists today does not forget. Creating software that remembers is easy, but designing software that deliberately “forgets” is a bit more complex. By “forgetting,” I don't mean losing data because it wasn’t saved or losing it randomly due to bugs. I'm referring to making a deliberate design decision to discard data at a later time. This ability to forget can be an incredibly benefitial property for many applications. Most importantly software that forgets enables different user experiences.
Nulls: Revisiting null representation in modern columnar formats (dl.acm.org)
Nulls are common in real-world data sets, yet recent research on columnar formats and encodings rarely address Null representations.
A brief history of Notion's data catalog (notion.so)
Over the past few years, the number of data assets and systems Notion uses has skyrocketed.
A new JSON data type for ClickHouse (clickhouse.com)
JSON has become the lingua franca for handling semi-structured and unstructured data in modern data systems. Whether it’s in logging and observability scenarios, real-time data streaming, mobile app storage, or machine learning pipelines, JSON’s flexible structure makes it the go-to format for capturing and transmitting data across distributed systems.
Profile generation and data management with dbm (deepnote.com)
Ask HN: How big of a problem is unstructured data for companies? (ycombinator.com)
I read somewhere that 90% of companies have data like documents, PDFs, videos, images, audio clips, and other content that are unstructured that will be a big obstacle for ai.
Restic: Backups done right (restic.net)
Restic is a modern backup program that can back up your files:
Secure Custom Fields by WordPress.org (wordpress.org)
Secure Custom Fields (SCF) turns WordPress sites into a fully-fledged content management system by giving you all the tools to do more with your data.
How CERN serves 1EB of data via FUSE [video] (kernel-recipes.org)
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, generates vast amounts of data from experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Ask HN: What do you use to backup your VMs? (ycombinator.com)
How do you backup VMs with installed Postgres, MariaDB instances and local files?
Insights after 11 years with Datomic [video] (youtube.com)
Datomic and Content Addressable Techniques (latacora.com)
Latacora collects and analyzes data about services our clients use. You may have read about our approach to building security tooling, but the tl;dr is we make requests to all the (configuration metadata) read-only APIs available to us and store the results in S3. We leverage the data to understand our clients’ infrastructure and identify security issues and misconfigurations. We retain the files (“snapshots”) to support future IR/forensics efforts.
Rearchiving 2M hours of digital radio, a comprehensive process (digitalpreservation-blog.nb.no)
Facebook uses 10k Blu-ray discs to store 'cold' data (2014) (pcworld.com)
Don't Believe the Big Database Hype, Stonebraker Warns (datanami.com)
Amazon S3 now supports conditional writes (amazon.com)
What Is a Knowledge Graph? (neo4j.com)
Incremental View Maintenance Replicas (materialize.com)
Distributed == Relational (frest.substack.com)
Imagining a personal data pipeline (joshcanhelp.com)
Gravitino: A Powerful Open Data Catalog for Geo-Distributed Metadata Lakes (github.com/apache)
$0.6M/Year Savings by Using S3 for ChangeDataCapture for DynamoDB Table (segment.com)
Why soft deletes are evil and what to do instead (jameshalsall.co.uk)
Covering All Birthdays (liorsinai.github.io)
How large language models will disrupt data management [pdf] (vldb.org)