Hacker News with Generative AI: Time Series

Show HN: The news in the last 30, 14, 7, 3, or 1 days (ubershmekel.github.io)
VictoriaLogs Beats Elasticsearch, MongoDB and PostgreSQL in ClickBench (ycombinator.com)
VictoriaLogs Beats Elasticsearch, MongoDB and PostgreSQL in ClickBench
The Rise of Open Source Time Series Databases (victoriametrics.com)
Time series databases allow you to store and query metrics efficiently. For example, if you want to forecast load on your servers, or identify intermittent faults with your production services, time series databases can help. Besides infrastructure monitoring, time series databases have been invaluable in finance, IoT applications, manufacturing, and more.
Timeseries Indexing at Scale (krylysov.com)
Training a time series model using transformers at Datadog (arxiv.org)
Show HN: Every mountain, building and tree shadow mapped for any date and time (shademap.app)
Moment: A Family of Open Time-Series Foundation Models (arxiv.org)
TimeGPT: Production Ready Time Series Foundation Model for Forecasting (github.com/Nixtla)
TimesFM: Time Series Foundation Model for time-series forecasting (github.com/google-research)