Hacker News with Generative AI: Public Transportation

The power of interning: making a time series database smaller (gendignoux.com)
This week-end project started by browsing the open-data repository of Paris’ public transport network, which contains various APIs to query real-time departures, current disruptions, etc.
London Transport 25: ride 25 different forms of transport in one day (girlonthenet.com)
Hello! My name is Sarah and I love London transport. Because I am a very cool and interesting person, for a long time I’ve thought it might be fun to see how many different types of London transport I can take in a 24-hour period: bus, tram, tube, train, ferry, etc. The trip outlined below took me (and the lucky man I invited on this date) on 25 different forms of London transport in one single day.
Caltrain's electric fleet more efficient than expected (caltrain.com)
How far can you get in 40 minutes from each subway station in NYC? (subwaysheds.com)
Let the user help solve their own problem (boredzo.org)
I wish we had a maps app like Apple Maps or Google Maps that let you order up a travel itinerary using public transit between two points, and explicitly pick the transit routes involved. Or, ideally, multiple sets of routes, for comparison.
Detrimental Decibels: A Study of Noise Levels in Vancouver's SkyTrain System (2022) (library.ubc.ca)
The Rome Metro Runs on Linux (reddit.com)
This subreddit is meant for public BSODs, crashes, and other errors.
The Christmas story of one tube station's 'Mind the Gap' voice (2019) (theguardian.com)
If you happen to find yourself at Embankment station on the London Underground, pay particular attention to the tannoy: the station’s “Mind the Gap” announcement is pronounced in rich, theatrical tones, a voice you won’t hear elsewhere on the network.
Bay Area Caltrain Ridership Up Drastically After Change to New Electric Trains (jalopnik.com)
The state of California is known for its reliance on the automobile and its less-than-comprehensive public transportation sector, but a massive jump in ridership of an improved rail line could be a sign that reputation may change.
Caltrain makes history with electric trains on SF to San Jose route (electrek.co)
Caltrain, the 160-year-old San Francisco to San Jose rail corridor, has ditched diesel and is now fully electric.
NYC getting queue jump traffic lights to speed up bus service (wrrv.com)
Things are about to look much different at select New York intersections.
BART workers fired for refusing COVID shots on religious grounds awarded $1.3M (nypost.com)
Six San Francisco public transport employees who were fired for refusing to get COVID-19 vaccines have been awarded more than $1 million each.
San Francisco to pay $212M to end reliance on 5.25-inch floppy disks (arstechnica.com)
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) board has agreed to spend $212 million to get its Muni Metro light rail off floppy disks.
Vegas underground transit system is a magnet to trespassers and confused drivers (fortune.com)
It’s not just Teslas zooming through Elon Musk’s tunnels under the Las Vegas Convention Center, chauffeuring passengers as part of a public transit experiment that started in 2021.
Tesla launches first all-electric 'Giga Train' – and it's free to ride (yahoo.com)
48% of NYC riders do not pay the bus fare (nytimes.com)
The waiting time paradox: why is my bus always late? (2018) (jakevdp.github.io)
Caltrain's new electric trains (fastcompany.com)
NYC Subway Riders See 'Exceptionally High' Air Pollution (bloomberg.com)
Organic maps: Experimental feed based public transport mapping (github.com/organicmaps)
Zürich's new 74 bus fast charging station (sschueller.github.io)
BYD aims to replace Routemaster with 400-mile EV London bus (autocar.co.uk)
China's BYD nears deal to supply London's electric double decker buses (cityam.com)
Commuter train window cleaning conundrum in NJ (nj.com)
Show HN: We relaunched the Official MTA App for NYC public transit (apple.com)