Hacker News with Generative AI: Noise Pollution

Are noise-cancelling headphones to blame for young people's hearing problems? (bbc.com)
Whether it's the echo of beeping tills in a supermarket or the hissing of a coffee machine in your local café, the brain is constantly working to decode hundreds of noises each day.
Detrimental Decibels: A Study of Noise Levels in Vancouver's SkyTrain System (2022) (library.ubc.ca)
Sound of traffic increases stress and anxiety, study finds (sciencedaily.com)
Manmade sounds such vehicle traffic can mask the positive impact of nature soundscapes on people's stress and anxiety, according to a new study published November 27, 2024, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Paul Lintott of the University of the West of England, U.K., and Lia Gilmour of the Bat Conservation Trust, U.K.
Natural soundscapes enhance mood recovery amid anthropogenic noise pollution (plos.org)
In urbanised landscapes, the scarcity of green spaces and increased exposure to anthropogenic noise have adverse effects on health and wellbeing.
Air pollution harms male fertility while women face similar risk from noise (theguardian.com)
Amazon's delivery drones are so loud they are like a 'giant hive of bees' (businessinsider.com)
A nightly Waymo robotaxi parking lot honkfest is waking San Francisco neighbors (theverge.com)
Self-driving Waymo cars keep SF residents awake all night by honking (arstechnica.com)
North Texas community says crypto-mining facility brings never-ending noise (cbsnews.com)
Cicadas are so noisy in South Carolina that residents are calling the police (apnews.com)