Hacker News with Generative AI: Monitoring

Ask HN: Light self-hosted logs/metrics/traces dashboard? (ycombinator.com)
I’m aware of enterprise scale observability tools like ELK stack and datadog.
Mongoose IM 6.3.0 – Erlang Solutions robust, scalable and efficient XMPP server (erlang-solutions.com)
MongooseIM is a scalable, efficient, high-performance instant messaging server using the proven, open, and extensible XMPP protocol. With each new version, we introduce new features and improvements. For example, version 6.2.0 introduced our new CETS in-memory storage, making setup and autoscaling in cloud environments easier than before (see the blog post for details). The latest release 6.3.0 is no exception. The main highlight is the complete instrumentation rework, allowing seamless integration with modern monitoring solutions like Prometheus.
Show HN: Open-source Kibana alternative for logs and traces in ClickHouse (github.com/hyperdxio)
HyperDX helps engineers quickly figure out why production is broken by making it easy to search & visualize logs and traces on top of any Clickhouse cluster (imagine Kibana, for Clickhouse).
Monitor WiFi with Raspberry Pi (netbeez.net)
Since our company’s inception, we have recognized the immense potential of the Raspberry Pi as a cost-effective and versatile platform for distributed network monitoring.
Netdata 2.0 Released (github.com/netdata)
Netdata 2.0 has arrived!
Ask HN: Hosting on Digital Ocean, any advice for monitoring and deployments? (ycombinator.com)
I'm moving over from Lambda to Digital Ocean since I found it much easier to test locally and iterate.
An OpenTelemetry Python Example – Building a Tesla Monitor (greptime.com)
This article demonstrates how to use OpenTelemetry to monitor the charging and driving data of a Tesla Model 3.
AI agents invade observability: snake oil or the future of SRE? (monitoring2.substack.com)
This newsletter was started 5 years ago to explore emerging observability and monitoring startups. In the most boring sense, these companies take operational data and create insights from that data for humans. This always involves a lot of dashboards, alerts, API integrations, and a large monthly bill.
A Beginner's Guide to the OpenTelemetry Collector (betterstack.com)
The first step towards observability with OpenTelemetry is instrumenting your application to enable it to generate essential telemetry signals such as traces, logs, and metrics.
A Look at the New Prometheus 3.0 UI (promlabs.com)
The Prometheus Team has just announced Prometheus version 3.0 at PromCon, with an official blog post detailing all the exciting new changes and features. A very visible highlight of Prometheus 3.0 is its new web UI that is enabled by default.
The Rise of Open Source Time Series Databases (victoriametrics.com)
Time series databases allow you to store and query metrics efficiently. For example, if you want to forecast load on your servers, or identify intermittent faults with your production services, time series databases can help. Besides infrastructure monitoring, time series databases have been invaluable in finance, IoT applications, manufacturing, and more.
Prometheus 3.0 Beta (prometheus.io)
The Prometheus Team is proud to announce the availability of Prometheus Version 3.0-beta!
Thanos: Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities (github.com/thanos-io)
Thanos is a set of components that can be composed into a highly available metric system with unlimited storage capacity, which can be added seamlessly on top of existing Prometheus deployments.
Serverless Prometheus Playground: 13M+ time-series/hr and 13B+ samples/day (oodle.ai)
Automated Invariant Monitoring (increase.com)
SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics (github.com/osquery)
osquery is a SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics framework.
Tinystatus: A tiny status page generated by a Python script (github.com/harsxv)
TinyStatus is a simple, customizable status page generator that allows you to monitor the status of various services and display them on a clean, responsive web page.
Web Platform Status (webstatus.dev)
Sentry is now Fair Source (sentry.io)
Show HN: I made simple and cheap log monitoring (monitro.dev)
Prometheus metrics saves us from painful kernel debugging (2022) (utoronto.ca)
Instrumenting Python GIL with eBPF (coroot.com)
Saving months of compute time with a single Grafana query (checklyhq.com)
Toto: A State-of-the-Art Time Series Foundation Model by Datadog (datadoghq.com)
The coming eBPF revolution and why Kubernetes monitoring will never be the same (getanteon.com)
Show HN: Proactive Security Monitoring for GitHub Actions Workflows (ycombinator.com)
Datadog Announces On-Call Product (datadoghq.com)
Show HN: Kerno.io – Developer-first monitoring that makes sense (kerno.io)
Argos Panoptès – An open source monitoring and status board for websites (framasoft.org)
Translate Datadog Metrics into OTLP (grafana.com)