Hacker News with Generative AI: Prometheus

37signals Dev – Monitoring 10 Petabytes of Data in Pure Storage (37signals.com)
How we use Prometheus to have metrics and alerts for Pure Storage.
Using AZs can eat up your budget – From Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics (prezi.com)
By 2024, Prezi’s monitoring system, built around Prometheus, was becoming outdated. It was already 5+ years old, running on a deprecated internal platform and accumulating a significant amount of costs every month.
Tailscale Prometheus Metrics (tailscale.com)
Tailscale client metrics are now available for local or remote examination, and can be directly ingested by Prometheus or any compatible monitoring system.
Continuous Integration Dashboard for Apache NuttX RTOS (Prometheus and Grafana) (lupyuen.github.io)
Last article we spoke about the (Twice) Daily Builds for Apache NuttX RTOS…
Prometheus 3.0.0 (github.com/prometheus)
This release includes new features such as a brand new UI and UTF-8 support enabled by default. As this marks the first new major version in seven years, several breaking changes are introduced. The breaking changes are mainly around the removal of deprecated feature flags and CLI arguments, and the full list can be found below. For users that want to upgrade we recommend to read through our migration guide.
Show HN: Oodle – serverless, fully-managed, drop-in replacement for Prometheus (oodle.ai)
In today’s world, observability is essential for any company to understand how their systems are performing.
A Look at the New Prometheus 3.0 UI (promlabs.com)
The Prometheus Team has just announced Prometheus version 3.0 at PromCon, with an official blog post detailing all the exciting new changes and features. A very visible highlight of Prometheus 3.0 is its new web UI that is enabled by default.
Thanos: Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities (github.com/thanos-io)
Thanos is a set of components that can be composed into a highly available metric system with unlimited storage capacity, which can be added seamlessly on top of existing Prometheus deployments.
Serverless Prometheus Playground: 13M+ time-series/hr and 13B+ samples/day (oodle.ai)
Prometheus metrics saves us from painful kernel debugging (2022) (utoronto.ca)
Monitoring energy usage with smart plugs, Prometheus and Grafana (ounapuu.ee)