Hacker News with Generative AI: Business Intelligence

Visualizing Dimensional Relationships (qlikdork.com)
I’m guessing that like other Data Visualizers around the world you spend a lot of your time creating dashboards that are full of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and not nearly enough time creating dashboards that focus on visualizing dimensional relationships.
Show HN: Bin - AI business intelligence analyst that turns data into dashboards (bi.new)
Bin is an AI business intelligence analyst.
Utilizing HubSpot's APIs to Break Down Data Silos (accelant.com)
I’ve seen this movie countless times: Business Has Tons of Useful Data That’s Scattered Across Systems and Isn’t Being Used for Much (or anything).
Show HN: Intelcave – Business intelligence, redefined using AI (intelcave.com)
Chat with your database, create insightful collections and write SQL queries using simple conversational language.
Show HN: GodmodeHQ – Using AI agents to find public info on any company (godmodehq.com)
Search, research, personalise & send.
Ask HN: What is your dream BI tool? (ycombinator.com)
If you get frustrated by current BI tools... what would you change?
Palantir for Developers (palantir.com)
Ask HN: Looking for a cheap hosted BI tool like Metabase for my startup (ycombinator.com)
All metrics are scar tissue (unless they're Business Intelligence) (sysadmin1138.net)
Self-Serve Dashboards (briefer.cloud)
Showcase ML Model Results Using Business Metrics (betaacid.co)
Show HN: Open-source BI and analytics for engineers (github.com/quarylabs)