Hacker News with Generative AI: Godot Engine

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 beta 2 (godotengine.org)
We’ve been keeping busy these past two weeks squashing the bugs that cropped up in 4.4 beta 1. Despite how much the previous snapshot added, it bears repeating that we have entered the 4.4 feature freeze, so our energy has been focused on addressing any new regressions or the aforementioned bugs. We’re still aiming for a release sometime next month, but that all depends on how effectively new bugs get reported during this period.
Godot C# packages move to .NET 8 (godotengine.org)
Godot C# packages move to .NET 8
Jolt Physics added as an alternative 3D physics engine to Godot (github.com/godotengine)
This pull request adds a new engine module (found under modules/jolt_physics) which integrates Jolt Physics, a 3D physics engine developed by Jorrit Rouwe (@jrouwe) with a focus on games and VR applications, used in titles such as Horizon Forbidden West.
You're Breathtaking [Godot #100000] (github.com/godotengine)
It's been over 10 years now that Godot has been developed in the open, with code contributions from 2,800 users.
Hackers abuse popular Godot game engine to infect PCs (bleepingcomputer.com)
Hackers have used new GodLoader malware exploiting the capabilities of the widely used Godot game engine to evade detection and infect over 17,000 systems in just three months.
Xogot – Godot for iPad (xogot.com)
Introducing Xogot
One of the largest Godot projects is transitioning off of Godot (youtube.com)
Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 dev 4 (godotengine.org)
We are back roughly a month after the release of dev3 to bring you a host of new improvements.
Light and Shadow (catlikecoding.com)
This is the fourth tutorial in a series that covers the creation of a simple true top-down 2D game with pixel graphics, using the Godot Engine, version 4. It follows Movable Objects and adds 2D lighting to it.
Redot Engine: A Fork of the Godot Engine (github.com/Redot-Engine)
Official statement from Godot Foundation board (twitter.com)
Godot team block dev for political reasons (twitter.com)
Godot Engine Blocking Users (twitter.com)
Godot social media account blocks titanium level backer for the Godot fund (twitter.com)
FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot (github.com/2Retr0)
An open ocean rendering experiment in the Godot Engine utilizing the inverse Fourier transform of directional ocean-wave spectra for wave generation. A concise set of parameters is exposed, allowing for scriptable, real-time modification of wave properties to emulate a wide-variety of ocean-wave environments.
Godot for App Development (tiniuc.com)
Godot is being slept on as an app development framework.
Godot 3.6 Released (godotengine.org)
After 2 years of development, Godot 3.6 is finally out and it comes fully packed with features and quality of life improvements!
Godot founders had desperately hoped Unity wouldn't 'blow up' (gamedeveloper.com)
Godot was a big winner when devs revolted against Unity's Runtime Fee: but its founders were worried about a surprise influx of users.
Godot on iPad, Toolbars, Importers, Embedding, Debugger (la-terminal.net)
Pocket-Godot: Starter Kit for mobile game development using Godot (github.com/lukky-nl)
OpenLiberty: A GTA 3 reimplementation on the Godot Engine (github.com/FOSS-Supremacy)
Godotcaml for Godot 4.2 (fizzixnerd.com)
Godot 4.3 Dev Snapshot 6 Updates (godotengine.org)