Hacker News with Generative AI: Learning Resources

Ask HN: How to learn AI from first principles? (ycombinator.com)
A variant of this question seems to get asked every 6 mo. but so far, I haven't seen this question tackled directly: If I want to learn the concepts and fundamentals of AI from first principles, what educational resources should I use?
Grid by Example (gridbyexample.com)
This site is a collection of examples, video and other information to help you learn CSS Grid Layout. Developed and maintained by Rachel Andrew.
Learn New Skills (attejuvonen.fi)
Great learning materials are rare. This is a collection of gems I’ve encountered over the years, presented as a 90’s style web link list, intended for anyone who wants to learn new skills. Mostly software development-related, aside from the first few.
Ask HN: What is one programming language you would recommend to a new learner? (ycombinator.com)
A new learning experience on MDN (mozilla.org)
A major update to the MDN Learn Web Development section started in November 2024 and was finally published in December 2024.
Bit Vectors and my first steps into assembly (smidt.dev)
I’ve recently started reading “Writing an Interpreter in Go” as part of my journey to sharpen my programming skills.
Ask HN: New Resources for Learning Complexity Theory (ycombinator.com)
A few years ago in 2021, I put together a guide to resources for learning computational complexity theory at the graduate level [0].
Where to learn how to build an A/B testing tool? (ycombinator.com)
hi! i want to build an a/b testing tool, but i'm struggling to learn how to approach building some aspects.
Ask HN: How to learn software development concepts crucial for senior roles? (ycombinator.com)
Hi HN, I'm working at an early stage startup, and want to learn about concepts and patterns that are crucial for senior roles, like: - Batch Processing - Messaging Queues - Microservices - Design Patterns - Which techniques to apply while working on a task - Properly debugging<p>Is there any online resource or somewhere I can see this in practice?
The Unwritten Rules to Becoming a Senior Developer: 4 Steps to Level Up (medium.com)
The gurus on YouTube told me the path to senior was their $99 course but it led me here?!
Ask HN: What are some good publicly available postmortems to read? (ycombinator.com)
I'm looking to read a few (publicly available) postmortems of incidents and accidents. The domain/organization/... doesn't matter too much so long as they are insightful and there's something to be learned from reading them. Bonus points for including a quick note on why you considered them particularly interesting!
Ask HN: What is the best way to learn Erlang? (ycombinator.com)
I have working experience of using java and javscript.But my current project requires me to learn erlang and in a faster pace as well.
Roc, Exercism, Forth (isaacvando.com)
I am very happy to share that Roc is now available on Exercism! Exercism is a delightful platform for learning programming and especially new and exotic languages.
Ask HN: What is the best way to learn Go? (ycombinator.com)
After 40+ years of writing C I'm going to learn Go. Is "The Go Programming Language" still the way? It is 8 years old now and the language has seen more than a few changes between then and now. What books should I be looking at?
Ask HN: Understanding basic computer architecture via emulation? (ycombinator.com)
I have a very basic understanding of how computers work. I’m a full stack developer but didn’t do a CS degree.<p>I want to have a deeper understanding of CPUs, GPUs, how it all connects.<p>I want to learn by building chip emulators in Go<p>What’s a good resource/s to get started?
What would be the right path to learn AI? (ycombinator.com)
I haven’t been keeping up with AI stuff except for trying out chat clients like ChatGPT and others. I’m a software engineer working in infra systems. I would like to pick up now that things in AI have gotten real. What would be the right path to learn AI/ML stuff? I’m someone who prefers ground up learning from fundamentals and building something using that knowledge. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.
How to Learn Rust in 2024 (jetbrains.com)
So, you’re thinking about choosing Rust as your next programming language to learn. You already know what it means to write code and have some experience with at least one programming language, probably Python or JavaScript. You’ve heard about Rust here and there. People say it’s a modern systems programming language that brings safety and performance and solves problems that are hard to avoid in other programming languages (such as C or C++). Someone mentioned that Rust’s popularity is growing.
OWASP Juice Shop: the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application (github.com/juice-shop)
OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application!
Ask HN: Resources for Learning Graphics Programming (ycombinator.com)
Hey HN<p>I've predominantly always worked in Web dev but always had an interest in 3D graphics, modelling and games.<p>What are your best resources for me to go from 0 to being able to write my own (basic) graphics renderer, eventually I'd like to get to the point of rendering scenes but understand that might be a long haul.
GPU Puzzles (github.com/srush)
This notebook is an attempt to teach beginner GPU programming in a completely interactive fashion. Instead of providing text with concepts, it throws you right into coding and building GPU kernels.
Ask HN: How can I improve UI dev skills? Looking for real-world examples (ycombinator.com)
I’m currently working on improving my design skills, especially in the area of UI/UX. This week, my focus is on understanding how great products develop and manage their user interfaces.
Learn Git Branching (learngitbranching.js.org)
Show HN: I published a book to save you from my software architecture mistakes (leanpub.com)
Shell.how: Explain Shell Commands (shell.how)
Ask HN: What are some "toy" projects you used to learn neural networks hands-on? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: How did you learn Regex? (ycombinator.com)
I built a vector embedding database in Go for learning purposes (github.com/alash3al)
An article using The Little Schemer format, what do you think of it? (phfrohring.com)
Show HN: Back end development learning roadmap with resources (onrender.com)
White Papers to Learn System Design and Software Architecture (medium.com)