Hacker News with Generative AI: Agile

Product Development Processes You Might Not Have Heard of (2022) (departmentofproduct.com)
According to the Department of Product’s survey data, by far the most popular product development methodology (for our audience at least) is Scrum with 2 week sprints.
Anatomy of Oscillation (tidyfirst.substack.com)
I was at first astonished, then angered, then resigned when I saw smart people calling for the return of waterfall thinking.
What Agile is Not: or at least what it was never meant to be (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
The testing pyramid is an outdated economic model (wiremock.io)
The testing pyramid is one of the most famous concepts in agile. But how relevant is it for developers today?
A high-velocity style of software development (mihaiolteanu.me)
Yet another crowd of souls staring into the abyss of endless meetings, discussing, analyzing, voting, brainstorming, envisioning, sprinting, reviewing, refining, making so much noise, applying so many tools, writing so many cursed documents in so many different, incompatible formats and inventing so many non-formal languages and methodologies all the time.
I Was Wrong About Scrum, Again (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
So, I was reading the Scrum Guide the other day, since that’s the kind of guy I am. I am always on the lookout for something that I can quote, that a Scrum guru can’t explain away with magical logic. I haven’t found anything yet, but I haven’t given up.
Scrum's Definition of Done Is Polishing Plates in a Burning Kitchen (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
Imagine a kitchen in chaos. Orders are shouted, chefs scramble to grab random tasks, and no one has time to stop or plan. Amid this whirlwind, the maître d’ stands at the door with a clipboard, refusing to let any dish go out unless it meets an impossible checklist of perfection. It doesn’t matter that the stove is broken or the knives are dull—the dishes must be flawless.
Still others liked "Agile", which won by one vote if I remember correctly (twitter.com)
Slow Deployment Causes Meetings – By Kent Beck (tidyfirst.substack.com)
“I can’t get any code out with all these meetings.” What if this perennial engineer complaint has causation backwards? Adding and removing organizational overhead is relatively easy compared to increasing an organization’s capacity to deploy code. What if meetings and reviews are an organization’s adaptive response to avoid overloading deployment?
Scrum's "Product Owner" Problem (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
In Scrum, Product Owners have sole authority over the Product Backlog; they control what to build and when to build it. Engineers are merely ticket-takers, implementing one instruction after another.
The Slow, Painful Death of Agile and Jira (ehandbook.com)
Software development cycles are taking longer and longer.Technology teams are growing larger and larger.Managing development requires more and more apps.Fewer and fewer people are actually doing the coding.For shorter and shorter periods of time.With less and less progress between constant checkpoints.
How to Measure Progress in a Software Project – By Adam Ard (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
"Working software is the primary measure of progress."
Blaming Agile for software stagnation puts the wrong villain in the wrong play (theregister.com)
Agile Is for Losers (2020) (hypermatic.com)
Agile Manifesto co-author on making process 'beacon of hope' (theregister.com)
"Agile Signaling" Is Gaslighting the Tech Industry [video] (youtube.com)
The Transformation Priority Premise (2013) (cleancoder.com)
Standups: Individual → Teammate (tidyfirst.substack.com)
Dib Guide: Detecting Agile BS [pdf] (defense.gov)
Agile Dating: A Less Painful Way to Date (jessicafan.substack.com)
Study Finds 268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects (slashdot.org)
Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects (theregister.com)
Some Thoughts as I Sit Here in Another Standup (lloydatkinson.net)
Scrum's Built-In 'Get Out of Jail Free Card' Against Criticism (mdalmijn.com)
Client Runs on Waterfall (ycombinator.com)
Show HN: Meegle – Jira alternative with workflow visualization (meegle.com)