Hacker News with Generative AI: Methodology

Append-Only Programming (2024) (iafisher.com)
I have recently adopted a new methodology of software development:
Product Development Processes You Might Not Have Heard of (2022) (departmentofproduct.com)
According to the Department of Product’s survey data, by far the most popular product development methodology (for our audience at least) is Scrum with 2 week sprints.
The 'Mosaic' Method and the Value of CIA Names to U.S. Adversaries (lawfaremedia.org)
What Agile is Not: or at least what it was never meant to be (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
The widely cited studies on mouse vs. keyboard efficiency are completely bogus (danluu.com)
The widely cited studies on mouse vs. keyboard efficiency are completely bogus
Discovery Coding (jimmyhmiller.github.io)
Discovery coding is a practice of understanding a problem by writing code first, rather than attempting to do some design process or thinking beforehand.
Algorithms We Develop Software By (grantslatton.com)
I recently had a conversation with a distinguished tech CEO and engineer. I loved hearing his description of a software development methodology he's occasionally used, and it got me thinking about other heuristics and generalizations.
The Iterative-Hypothesis customer development method (asmartbear.com)
A simple but effective system, used to vet what is now a Unicorn, for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what they need, and what they’ll buy.
Irreproducible Results (2011) (kk.org)
I claim the scientific method (how we know stuff) will change more in the next 50 years than it has over the last 400 years since its birth.
Research in psychology: are we learning anything? (experimental-history.com)
There’s a thought that’s haunted me for years: we’re doing all this research in psychology, but are we learning anything?
From Myth to Measurement: Rethinking US News and World Report College Rankings (anandsanwal.me)
In the grand theater of American higher education, few performances are as anticipated—or as controversial—as the annual unveiling of the U.S. News & World Report college rankings.