Hacker News with Generative AI: Product Management

Hitting OKRs vs. Doing Your Job (jessitron.com)
In Engineering, quarterly OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) can feel like a duplication of product planning. Basically, they say “Ship the Roadmap.” What new information are they communicating in that case? And if the OKRs say anything else, they’re in conflict the roadmap!
AI for Product Managers (productme.org)
Let’s clear up a common misunderstanding: there isn’t really such a thing as an “AI Product Manager.” While the term is trendy and has sparked a lot of discussion online, it’s misleading. Product Managers (PMs) focus on the overall success of a product, while AI or Machine Learning (ML) Engineers handle building and improving AI models.
AI Product Management (deeplearning.ai)
Amazon introduced a range of models that confront competitors head-on.
Product management is broken. Engineers can fix it (posthog.com)
When Tim and I first started PostHog in 2020, I was adamant we would never hire a product manager. I wanted engineers to wrestle with hard product problems. Product managers, I believed, would just get in the way.
Using Survival Analysis to estimate product lifetime (jumpdata.co.uk)
We needed to estimate the average number of years after purchase various consumer products broke down from a large dataset containing:
How to make Product give a shit about your architecture proposal (wordpress.com)
I had a plumber over the other day. I was worried that my water service line might be leaking. There was a wet patch in the yard and I noticed that one of my sink’s water pressure seemed to be lower than usual. If the line had a pinhole leak in it, it could easily burst into a multi-thousand dollar flood on my hands. The joys of home ownership.
Prioritize Through Purpose (belowwaterlevel.com)
Prioritization conflicts are exactly the situations when Product Managers must step away from traditionally accepted management tools and frameworks and look deeper into Purpose.
Scrum's "Product Owner" Problem (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
In Scrum, Product Owners have sole authority over the Product Backlog; they control what to build and when to build it. Engineers are merely ticket-takers, implementing one instruction after another.
How the Product Bubble Burst (coldwaters.substack.com)
For nearly two decades, investors looking for somewhere to park trillions of freshly printed dollars funded the Product Management bubble. Now it’s bursting.
Fighting back against proper noun feature names (2021) (kubie.co)
Every time you name a product feature that doesn’t require a name (e.g. “My Account” instead of just “account”) you’re adding cognitive load for users, increasing difficulty for your support staff and technical writers, and adding unnecessary weight to the product that makes it harder to be nimble in the future.
Product/Market Fit (PMF): Experience and Data (asmartbear.com)
Every day people debate how to define “Product/Market Fit.”
Ask HN: How has Airbnb's decision to merge PMs with design panned out? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: How has Airbnb's decision to merge PMs with design panned out?
Product management is hosting a party, not playing chess (tidyfirst.substack.com)
My blood is boiling. I’ve been researching the CTO role, trying to understand the technical executive responsibilities & the various ways they can bundle together. I was listening to the CTO Insights podcast, when I heard this.
Ask HN: Is a Masters in CS/Engineering worth it for a mid-career PM? (ycombinator.com)
I’m a PM & designer in his late 30s who is itching to get into deep tech (BCI, AI, aerospace, medtech, etc). I have no background in engineering and am considering pursuing a masters either in CS or similar.
Ask HN: Are Open Source Projects Products? (ycombinator.com)
I would like to know if Open Source Projects can or should be considered Products.
Engineer's guide to convincing your Product Manager to prioritize technical debt (eng-leadership.com)
But convincing a product manager (PM) to prioritize it over shiny new features? That’s a whole different challenge.
Ask HN: How Can I Quickly Launch My Web Product and Attract Target Users? (ycombinator.com)
Superhuman built an engine to find product market fit (2018) (firstround.com)
Ask HN: What's your secret sauce for maintaining product quality? (ycombinator.com)
New data on the product job market (lennysnewsletter.com)
The Myth of the Product-Market Fit (2013) (nishantsoni.com)
Why Google randomly cancels old products: employee reviews and infra changes (twitter.com)
How close is AI to replacing product managers? (lennysnewsletter.com)
Software MVPs can no longer be low quality (threadreaderapp.com)
Mike Krieger: I've joined AnthropicAI as their Chief Product Officer (threads.net)
8 ways I am using AI to help me be a better product manager (alaniswright.com)