Hacker News with Generative AI: Careers

It's time to become an ML engineer (2022) (gregbrockman.com)
AI has recently crossed a utility threshold, where cutting-edge models such as GPT-3, Codex, and DALL-E 2 are actually useful and can perform tasks computers cannot do any other way.
Belief of Aliens Derailed This Internet Pioneer's Career. Now He's Facing Prison (bloomberg.com)
One day in August 2021, Joseph Firmage walked into a video production studio in Salt Lake City and declared that he was going to change the world.
Ask HN: Promoted, but Career Path Derailed (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Looking at AI development, I feel pointless in the work I'm doing (ycombinator.com)
As a web developer, I thought I was doing well for years. But recent work on AI makes me feel useless. How do you guys feel?
How to know when it's time to go (bitfieldconsulting.com)
I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. When you hate your job, no matter how much you try to put up with it, there comes a point where you’re mad as hell and you’re just not going to take it anymore. So, maybe this is the right moment to reflect: is it time to go?
Ask HN: Work on robotics or agents? (ycombinator.com)
I'm a recent Mechanical Engineering / CS graduate working in the Sales Engineering space for a cybersecurity company.
Ask HN: What is the Most "Impressive" Person you know working on? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: What is the Most "Impressive" Person you know working on?
Ratchet effects determine engineer reputation at large companies (seangoedecke.com)
How do engineers become higher-status or lower-status at large tech companies? In other words, what determines who gets promoted and who doesn’t, or who gets assigned the exciting difficult work and who gets put on keep-the-lights-on maintenance duty?
This Is Not Your Last Job (chriskrycho.com)
Unless you’re retired, and maybe not even then.
Ask HN: Who Is Retiring? (ycombinator.com)
After (many) years of work, I've decided to take a break. Maybe for a year. Maybe indefinitely.
Ask HN: How do I get the most out of an analyst job? (ycombinator.com)
Hi HN,<p>I recently started a new position as a "program analyst" in the context of software for public administration in EU.
Ask HN: Who has an interesting job? (ycombinator.com)
If your work brings you a sense of fulfillment, interest, or enjoyment I would love to hear more about it and what about your job allows you to feel this way.
How to grow professional relationships (tej.as)
Over my career, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know some of the world’s most incredible builders. This same career has also seen quite a significant amount of gatekeeping: various (m|b)illionaire boys clubs and cliques have made it quite clear that they’d prefer to keep their world small and exclusive, and that there’s no room at their table.
6 Lessons I learned working at an art gallery (henrikkarlsson.xyz)
A few days ago, I resigned from my job at the art gallery to write Escaping Flatland full time.
Ask HN: Should I disclose my disability when applying for jobs? (ycombinator.com)
I have a mental disability. It affected my career in the past but since getting diagnosed and treated for it a few years ago my career has improved significantly and I have been able to put in consistent work.
Ask HN: Why isn't having two or three careers the norm? (ycombinator.com)
Wouldn't this allow you to maximize your happiness by taking into account what you learned as you try different careers?
A career-ending mistake (bitfieldconsulting.com)
You came for the schadenfreude, but you’ll stay for the thought-provoking advice
In September, I got to pair program for two hours with the legendary Steve Yegge (twitter.com)
Ask HN: Do indie devs enjoy programming less than software engineers do? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Do indie devs enjoy programming less than software engineers do?
Ask HN: I don't want higher salary, I need more freetime (ycombinator.com)
As a software Engineer with the same need, what career paths did you take to achieve this goal?
Carving your space (heather-buchel.com)
Doing the work you love is hard when teams don't hire for it.
Perks of Being a Python Core Developer (mariatta.ca)
I’ve been a Python core developer since January 27, 2017.
Ask HN: How long to stay in a role to avoid being considered a "job hopper"? (ycombinator.com)
It really depends on the industry. These are opinions, but for a seat-of-the-pants dev job like a web developer, at least a year is fine, with the occasional longer stint of 3-5 years recommended so it shows that you are capable of having a little patience and can own the full product lifecycle.
Nearly 50% of researchers quit science within a decade, study reveals (nature.com)
A study of nearly 400,000 scientists across 38 countries finds that one-third of them quit science within five years of authoring their first paper, and almost half leave within a decade.
Ask HN: What does the recruiting process look like for VPs at FAANGs? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: What does the recruiting process look like for VPs at FAANGs?
Ask HN: To those making 200k+ how did you get there? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: To those making 200k+, how did you get there?
Krazam: High Agency Individual Contributor [video] (youtube.com)
Product management is hosting a party, not playing chess (tidyfirst.substack.com)
My blood is boiling. I’ve been researching the CTO role, trying to understand the technical executive responsibilities & the various ways they can bundle together. I was listening to the CTO Insights podcast, when I heard this.
Ask HN: Friends who were laid off, what are you working on now? (ycombinator.com)
What was the most intriguing question you were asked during an interview? (ycombinator.com)