Hacker News with Generative AI: Self-Reflection

The Puzzle (bearblog.dev)
I admit I censor myself.
Show HN: App that asks ‘why?’ every time you unlock your phone (play.google.com)
The quiet art of attention (billwear.github.io)
There comes a moment in life, often in the quietest of hours, when one realizes that the world will continue on its wayward course, indifferent to our desires or frustrations.
Ask HN: Had enough – a need for a new beginning (ycombinator.com)
I'm in my late forties and have wasted over 20 years of my life developing services and solutions in the advertising and web industry that enable companies to sell as much as possible.
Why I Write My Own Obituary Every Year (nytimes.com)
I wrote my obituary last week. I often do so once a year; it has become a kind of ritual.
Spinning the Night Self (aeon.co)
After years of insomnia, I threw off the effort to sleep and embraced the peculiar openness I found in the darkest hours
To forget is an ethical act (emilygorcenski.com)
On and off for the last several years I’ve been manually curating my roughly 40,000 lifetime tweets. I recently finished, and in the process embarked on an unexpected journey of self-discovery.
Entrepreneurship changed the way I think (wordpress.com)
A quick note with some self reflection on the eve of my 37th year and after nearly three years of running a hardware start up.
Stuff I would tell my younger self (anthonynsimon.com)
The work you do, the person you are (2017) (newyorker.com)
You Can Gaslight Yourself into Loving Someone (github.com)
Ask HN: Discovering that I am mediocre (ycombinator.com)
Who Are We Now? (whoarewenow.net)
I realized I am a bad programmer (ycombinator.com)
What are the biggest questions you ask yourself? (ycombinator.com)
I now lack the juice to fuel the bluster to conceal that I am a simpleton (lithub.com)
Other People’s Problems (seths.blog)