Hacker News with Generative AI: Cost Analysis

Are electric cars that much cheaper to operate? (pavlinbg.com)
Recently, I engaged in a conversation about the cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles (EVs) compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with a friend. This discussion prompted me to conduct a detailed analysis of the potential cost savings associated with owning an EV, particularly focusing on fuel savings and overall cost return.
Spotify is not as cheap as it seems (newstatesman.com)
On Sunday 7 January 2024 at 8.06am, I listened to the 1998 Eurodance hit “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!!” by the Vengaboys.
Carbon capture more costly than switching to renewables, researchers find (techxplore.com)
For most countries around the world, sourcing energy entirely from wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower by 2050 would reduce their energy needs and costs, improve air quality, and help slow climate change, according to a study in Environmental Science & Technology.
How much does The Cloud really cost? (baremetalsavings.com)
Exploring the Cost and Feasibility of Battery-Electric Ships (newscenter.lbl.gov)
Retrofitting a portion of the US shipping fleet from internal combustion engines to battery-electric systems could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be largely cost effective by 2035, according to a new study from Berkeley Lab researchers recently published in Nature Energy.
A Lunar Space Elevator Could Be Built for $2B [pdf] (hou.usra.edu)
How 15 Top LLMs perform on classification: accuracy vs. cost breakdown (airtrain.ai)
Historically, classification tasks used to be non-trivial endeavors, both in terms of human-power and cost. It would require a specialized model trained on a large labeled dataset; a consequential project involving tasks such as gathering the data, labeling the data, training and evaluating the model, monitoring and retraining, etc.
Running an open source app: Usage, costs and community donations (spliit.app)
I created Spliit a few years ago, but the version you can use today is only one year old. As a user suggested on GitHub, it’s a great opportunity to release some information about the project as a transparency exercise.
Can solar costs keep shrinking? (tomaspueyo.com)
Boeing's Starliner has cost at least twice as much as SpaceX's Crew Dragon (arstechnica.com)
Calculating the cost of a Google DeepMind paper (152334H.github.io)
Cost of developing new drugs may be lower than industry claims: trial (theguardian.com)