Hacker News with Generative AI: Lunar Exploration

Astronauts face unique visual challenges at lunar South Pole (phys.org)
Humans are returning to the moon—this time, to stay. Because our presence will be more permanent, NASA has selected a location that maximizes line-of-sight communication with Earth, solar visibility, and access to water ice: the Lunar South Pole (LSP).
A Lunar Space Elevator Could Be Built for $2B [pdf] (hou.usra.edu)
NASA is selling a brand-new Moon rover: Never used, one previous owner (economist.com)
NASA HAS big plans for the Moon. By the end of the decade, it wants to send humans back to the lunar surface. Before then, though, it intends to send probes to look for ice at its south pole. This ice carries enormous scientific value. It could shed light on how Earth acquired its liquid water; it is also ripe for conversion into rocket propellant.
Cave discovered on Moon could be home for humans (bbc.co.uk)