Hacker News with Generative AI: Agile Development

Isn't "trunk based development" just a complete crock of shit? (bucket.co)
Isn’t "trunk based development" just a complete crock of shit?
Isn't "trunk based development" just a complete crock of shit? (bucket.co)
The reverse YAGNI (medium.com)
This blog post focusses on the critical technology decisions (specifically on tools) that I believe are missed by techies on non-trivial software projects. At least I have missed them in the past because they seemed like “over-engineering”, and the bricks of YAGNI would be hurled around.
Principles for product velocity (ssoready.com)
Building the right thing shouldn't take very long -- doing away with nonsense makes product development really fast
Against the 'QA‐Free' Philosophy (github.com/getlago)
I recently watched Pieter Levels' interview with Lex Friedman and dove through the comments. Most discussed one hallmark topic: Pieter’s 1-click deployment system that only leverages local tests for testing. In Pieter’s own words, he’s notorious for not setting up staging servers. He prefers a stripped-down pipeline, something that enables him to ship fast.
Ad Hoc Infrastructure – By Kent Beck (tidyfirst.substack.com)
If Scrum is so great (substack.com)
Moxie Marlinspike: Agile is killing software innovation (theregister.com)
U.S. Department of Defense – Detecting Agile BS [pdf] (2018) (defense.gov)
TDD is Not Hill Climbing (except where it is) (tidyfirst.substack.com)
Documentation Driven Development (2022) (unicorn-utterances.com)
Why we shift testing left: A software dev cycle that doesn’t scale (thenewstack.io)
Show HN: Cards Against Agility, a fun game for agile fans and cynics alike (agile.supplies)